
Feel free to adopt or adapt activities on this page, if they will be useful to you during your subject-specific breakout sessions. Please continue to add to this list as well.


Estimates vs. Actuality

From Barbara Illowsky, Foothills DeAnza Community College (and co-author of OpenStax Statistics text)
Timeframe 10 minutes
  • Requires having links on hand for each participant’s school bookstore
  • Helpful to have OpenStax website handy for evaluating costs of print materials they provide
“One of the activities I like to do in my presentations is to have faculty pick one course they teach. I ask them to estimate the cost of the textbook new, used, digital, and rented from the campus bookstore. On the next slide, I give them the link to their campus bookstore. I have them compare their estimate to the actual costs. I almost always hear gasps. I also pick one course they offer and show the amounts compared to an OpenStax text (digital and hard copy).”

Rolling the Dice

From SUNY OER Services, adapted from Jennifer Kneafsey at Tulsa Community College
Timeframe 20-30 minutes (10 for activity and remaining for follow-up discussion)
Note This activity requires dice. You can bring actual dice with you, or you can ask participants to use a website or phone app. One useful website isĀ Dice Roller.
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