Agenda Draft

Download a copy from Google Drive here.

Feel free to adapt the breakout time to best serve yourself and your audience. Try something new that worked well? Please share it with us!


Additional Questions for Discussion

  • What brings you to this event, today?
  • What do you like most about the textbook (or other materials) you’re currently using?
  • What would you most like to change or add to your current text?
  • What role do students play as content creators in your course?
  • What role could they play? (Invites discussions about open pedagogy).
  • What’s the most important way students will need to interact with materials for your class? What other ways might also be beneficial to them?
    • online, as static content
    • online, as interactive content
    • online, inside my Learning Management System (Blackboard, Canvas, Moodle, etc.)
    • offline, but still electronic (EPUB or PDF)
    • print
  • What’s your goal concerning OER this semester? This year? In the next couple of years?
  • What changes do you hope OER brings to your classroom or your students?


Note: as soon as you introduce specific online sources for content, like OpenStax or the OER Course Development set, your audience will want to start playing around with them, and sustaining a discussion will be much more difficult.

Save the reveal of electronic resources until you’re ready for the transition from discussion to individual, hands-on work.