We decided to put this public-facing page in the “Course Contents” section at the top of every course.
The following example is from Principles of Marketing. Note that, beneath each module title, the list includes short titles for enabling outcomes along with any assignments (written and/or discussion board). No WIMs/PITs.
Modules should be numbered.
The following list shows the module-level topics and assignments for the course. To see all of the course pages, visit the Table of Contents.
Module 1: Food
- 2 videos
- 1 Audio
- 1 Article
Module 2: Literacy Narrative
- 3 videos
- 3 Articles
Module 3: Culture
- 3 Articles
- 1 Audio
Module 4: Zombies
- 2 Articles
Module 5: Nature & Conservation
- 3 Articles
Module 6: Technology
- 4 Articles
Module 7: Consumer Debt
- 8 Articles
Module 8: Health Care
- 6 Articles
Module 9: Politics
- 3 Articles
Module 10: Wikipedia
- 2 Articles
- 1 Video
Module 11: Literature
- 11 Articles
Candela Citations
CC licensed content, Original
- Course Contents at a Glance. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
CC licensed content, Shared previously
- Binoculars Icon. Authored by: Musmellow. Provided by: Noun Project. Located at: License: CC BY: Attribution