5.2.c – Summary: Using the Commutative and Associative Properties

Key Concepts

  • Commutative Properties
    • Commutative Property of Addition:
      • If [latex]a,b[/latex] are real numbers, then [latex]a+b=b+a[/latex]
    • Commutative Property of Multiplication:
      • If [latex]a,b[/latex] are real numbers, then [latex]a\cdot b=b\cdot a[/latex]
  • Associative Properties
    • Associative Property of Addition:
      • If [latex]a,b,c[/latex] are real numbers then [latex]\left(a+b\right)+c=a+\left(b+c\right)[/latex]
    • Associative Property of Multiplication:
      • If [latex]a,b,c[/latex] are real numbers then [latex]\left(a\cdot b\right)\cdot c=a\cdot \left(b\cdot c\right)[/latex]