Chapter 3: Activities & Resources


Transferable Skills for Any Career Path

Transferable (soft) skills may be used in multiple professions. Pick out 5 adjectives from the list below that describe qualities you already possess. Then choose five you would like to work on and set a SMART goal for each.

  • Dependable and punctual (showing up on time, ready to work, not being a liability)
  • Self-motivated
  • Enthusiastic
  • Committed
  • Willing to learn (lifelong learner)
  • Able to accept constructive criticism
  • A good problem solver
  • Strong in customer service skills
  • A team player
  • Positive attitude
  • Strong communication skills
  • Good in essential work skills (following instructions, possessing critical thinking skills, knowing limits)
  • Ethical
  • Safety conscious
  • Honest
  • Strong in time management
  • Adaptable (willing to change and take on new challenges)

These skills are transferable because they are positive attributes that are invaluable in any kind of work.

Applying the Holland Codes to WCC Schools and Programs

Review the information below about majors that are a good match for typical Holland Codes found within each School. Then, based on the Holland Code you selected for yourself earlier in this chapter, what Schools and programs appear to be the best fit for you? Do you agree with the assessment? Are there other careers that match your specific code?

School of Arts and Humanities & Social Sciences

The School of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences is a collection of disciplines, from languages and communication to visual and performing arts, which prepares you for creative and expressive professions to those that prepare you to achieve scholarly and professional success through the study of human behaviors and societies.

Typical Holland Codes found in the arts, humanities & communication: AES


  • Artistic – People who have artistic, innovating or intuitional abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity
  • Enterprising – People who like to work with people, influencing, persuading, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain
  • Social – People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train or cure them, or are skilled with words


Art & Design (A.S.) Journalism (A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities – Honors (A.A.)
Communications & Media Arts (A.A.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities (A.A.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities – Spanish (A.A.)
Digital Filmmaking (A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities – Studio Art(A.A.) Performing Arts (A.S.)
Digital Filmmaking (Certificate) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities – English (A.A.)
Digital Media (Certificate) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Humanities – History (A.A.)

Typical Holland Codes found in the humanities & social sciences: SIA


  • Social – People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train or cure them, or are skilled with words
  • Investigative – People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems
  • Artistic – People who have artistic, innovating or intuitional abilities and like to work in unstructured situations using their imagination and creativity


Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences (A.A.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences – Honors (A.A.)
Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences – Anthropology (A.A.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences – Sociology (A.A.)
Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences – Economics (A.A.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences – Psychology (A.A.)

School of Business and Professional Careers

The School of Business & Professional Careers prepares you for successful careers and leadership opportunities in fields ranging from accounting and management to computer information systems and from educational, legal, social work and emergency response roles.

Typical Holland Codes found in business and entrepreneurial fields: ECR


  • Enterprising – People who like to work with people, influencing, persuading, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain
  • Conventional – People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, carry out tasks in detail, or follow through on others’ instructions
  • Realistic – People who have athletic ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors


Accounting and Finance (A.S.) Computer Information Systems (A.S.) Interactive Technologies (A.A.S.)
Business Management (A.S.) Web Development (Certificate) Interactive Technologies (A.A.S) – Computer Animation and Game Design
Business Management – Sales Management (A.S.) Fashion Design & Technology (A.A.S.) Interactive Technologies (A.A.S.) – Digital Marketing
Business Management – SUNY Transfer (A.S.) Fashion Merchandising (A.A.S.) Interactive Technologies (A.A.S.) – Web Design and Development (UX/UI)
Business Technologies (A.A.S.) Marketing (A.S.) Cybersecurity (A.A.S.)
Business Technologies (Certificate) Professional Bookkeeper (Certificate) Cybersecurity (Certificate)

Typical Holland Codes found in fields related to human services, education, and community engagement: SIE


  • Social – People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train or cure them, or are skilled with words
  • Investigative – People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems
  • Enterprising – People who like to work with people, influencing, persuading, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain


Addiction Counseling (A.A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences/Childhood Education (Teacher Education Transfer) – English (A.S.) Criminal Justice: Police (A.A.S.)
Addiction Counseling (Certificate) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences/Childhood Education (Teacher Education Transfer) – History (A.S.) Criminal Justice – Corrections (A.A.S.)
Paralegal (A.A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences/Childhood Education (Teacher Education Transfer) – Mathematics (A.S.) Justice Studies (A.S.)
Paralegal (Certificate) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences/Childhood Education (Teacher Education Transfer) – Spanish (A.S.) Human Services (A.S.)
Teaching Assistant (Certificate) Early Childhood (A.A.S.) Human Services (A.A.S.)
Liberal Arts & Sciences/Social Sciences/Childhood Education (Teacher Education Transfer) – Art (A.S.) Early Childhood (Certificate)

School of Health Careers, Technology, and Applied Learning

The School of Health Careers, Technology, and Applied Learning prepares you to deliver quality patient/client care and improve the health of individuals and communities through education and service. The School also prepares you for careers in and culinary arts and hospitality management.

Typical Holland Codes found in fields related to health sciences, physical wellness: SIR


  • Social – People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train or cure them, or are skilled with words
  • Investigative – People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems
  • Realistic – People who have athletic ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors


Paramedic (A.A.S.) Health Studies (A.S.) Radiologic Technology (A.A.S.)
Paramedic (Certificate) Nursing (A.A.S.) Veterinary Technology (A.A.S.)
Personal Training (Certificate) Medical Coding (Certificate) Foods and Nutrition (A.S.)
Respiratory Care (A.A.S.) Medical Billing (Certificate)
Health Information Technology (A.A.S.) Health and Human Performance (A.S.)

Typical Holland Codes found in fields related to culinary arts and hospitality management: SER


  • Social – People who like to work with people to enlighten, inform, help, train or cure them, or are skilled with words
  • Enterprising – People who like to work with people, influencing, persuading, leading or managing for organizational goals or economic gain
  • Realistic – People who have athletic ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors


Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management (A.A.S.)

School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering

The School of Mathematics, Science, and Engineering prepares you for in-demand careers that solve problems and drive innovation.

Typical Holland Codes found in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics: IRC


  • Investigative – People who like to observe, learn, investigate, analyze, evaluate, or solve problems
  • Realistic – People who have athletic ability, prefer to work with objects, machines, tools, plants or animals, or to be outdoors
  • Conventional – People who like to work with data, have clerical or numerical ability, carry out tasks in detail, or follow through on others’ instructions


Civil Technology (A.A.S.) Engineering Science (A.S.) – Civil, Electrical, or Mechanical Concentrations available Liberal Arts & Sciences/Mathematics & Science – Mathematics (A.S.)
Computer Aided Drafting (Certificate) Environmental Science (A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Mathematics & Science – Health Science
Computer Programming (Certificate) Environmental Studies (A.S.) Mechanical Technology (A.A.S.)
Computer Science (A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Mathematics & Science (A.S.) Networking (A.A.S.)
Electrical Technology (A.A.S.) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Mathematics & Science – Biology (A.S.)
Energy Systems (A.A.S) Liberal Arts & Sciences/Mathematics & Science – Chemistry (A.S.)

Which School and major have you committed to? Review the requirements for your major and map out the courses you’ll need to take in each semester until graduation. Are you able to explain your academic plan to someone else? Review that plan with an Academic Counselor to make sure you’re on the right path towards achieving your academic goals.

Career Planning

Gather the following information about a possible future career (include the source of your information):

  • Job Title/Career
  • Job Description
  • Job Tasks
  • Salary
  • Job Outlook
  • Work Environment
  • Opportunities for Advancement
  • Educational Requirements
  • Factors that Contribute to Career Success

After researching this career, write a reflection about how well this career aligns with your values, abilities, personality, and interests. How will college help you prepare for this career? Will you further investigate this career option? Why or why not?

Resources for students who UNSURE ABOUT THEIR major

Many organizations have free materials that can provide guidance for choosing a major. If you are still undecided examine one or more of the websites listed in the table below.

1 List of College Majors (MyMajors) A list of more than 1,800 college majors; major pages include description, courses, careers, salary, related majors and colleges offering major
2 Take the College Major Profile Quiz ( Quiz designed to help students think about college majors, personality traits, and how they may fit within different areas of study
3  The College Major: What It Is and How To Choose One (BigFuture/The College Board) When to choose a major, how to choose a major, “you can change your mind,” majors and graduate school, and majors and professions
4 Students: How do I Choose a Major? (Wayne State University) Lists common considerations when choosing a major
5 25 Best College Majors for a Lucrative Career ( Explore a detailed list of the top ten majors that give students the greatest potential for success in the workplace, good incomes, and ample job opportunities
6 Explore Careers (BigFuture/The College Board) Explore careers by selecting “Show me majors that match my interests,” “Show me new career ideas,” and “Show me how others made their choices”