Chapter 5: Activities & Resources

Key Takeaways for review

  1. Identity and debunk two or more myths about learning.
  2. Differentiate between short-term and long-term memory, and describe the role of each in effective studying.
  3. What is your plan to ensure that your studying techniques lead to deep learning? Which memory-strengthening strategies will you be using?
  4. Explain some actions you should take before, during, and after completing the following tasks:
    • an assigned reading
    • an upcoming test
    • a research paper
    • an oral presentation with visuals

Giving Academic Advice

Megan is currently taking two classes: geology and English. In her geology class, the instructor lectures for the full class time and gives reading assignments. In Megan’s literature class, the instructor relies on class discussions, small group discussions, and occasionally even review games. Megan enjoys her English class, but she struggles to feel engaged and interested in geology.

What strategies can Megan use to stay motivated and involved in both of her courses? What note-taking methods might be best for each one and why?

Study Skills Project

Using the textbook and library resources, research your chosen study skills topic.

  1. (45%) PART 1:  Present your study skills topic to the class by creating a visual using technology.  It can be a PowerPoint presentation, brochure or flyer (publisher), Word Document with bullets & pictures, a PDF or picture of a hand-made visual (collage, drawing, poster, etc.)  or any other method you can think of that uses technology.  Your visual should include both words and pictures, and offer tips that you think will be helpful to your classmates. Be sure to cite where you got your information to your visual: (Title, author, date, website).Study Skills Topics (Choose ONE.)
    •  Myths about Learning
    • Deep Learning
    • Note-Taking Methods
    • The Reading Process and Taking Notes from Texts
    •  The Role of Memory
    •  Test Taking Strategies
    •  Test Anxiety
    •  Evaluating Test Results
    •  Writing Strategies
    • Types of Thinking
  2. (60%) PART 2:  Project Reflection:   In a word document, answer the following questions.
    1. (5%) Answer the given questions about your current study strategies.
    2. (30%) Explain your study skills topic as it relates to college studying.
    3. (20%) Explain what you tried out from your research and how it went.
    4. (5%) Answer the questions (From Part 2A) again – how would you answer the questions after completing your study skills project?                                

Part 2.B. Explain your study skills topic as it relates to college studying. (35%)

  • My Visual was:
    • A PowerPoint presentation
    • A flyer or brochure (ex. Microsoft Publisher)
    • A Word document with pictures
    • A picture (PDF) of a poster, collage, or other hand-made visual
    • Other ____________________________
  • What resources did you access or use for your project?
  • Explain your study skills topic and what you learned: (This response should be at least 200 words – you may use a combination of paragraphs and bullet points.) 
    • Define your topic – what is it, how it can affect studying.
    • What tips or strategies did you find?  (Be specific.)
    • What information do you think might be most helpful for you or your classmates, particularly as it relates to college?
    • Explain how you incorporated this information into your visual.

Part 2.C.  Explain what you tried out from your research and how it went. (20%)

  • Which strategies from your research on your topic did you try, or do you plan to use?
  • Describe how these strategies helped you, or did not help. (Or whether you think they will help you?)   Explain why or why not

Applying The Learning process and Learning Styles

  • Review the learning process, the three main learning styles, and the definition of multimodal learning as described in this chapter.
  • Identify a class you are currently taking that requires studying.
  • Identify the stage of the learning process which you feel describes your current knowledge level in that class.
  • Describe how you could study for this class using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic/tactile learning skills.