Chapter 9: Activities & Resources

Key Takeaways for review

What is your plan for staying healthy while in college? Discuss how you will address the following areas:

  • Food
  • Sleep
  • Exercise
  • Stress
  • Alcohol & Drugs
  • Mental wellness

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene refers to the behaviors and habits that help us sleep and allow us to function better during our waking hours. One part of healthy sleep involves regulating our sleep-wake cycle, which is impacted by our biological clock and a substance our bodies produce called melatonin.

Consider the following questions about sleep:

  • Why do we need sleep?
  • What conflicts with our biological clocks?
  • What prevents people from sleeping?

Write a reflection about what you can do to regulate your sleep-wake cycle.

Develop an Exercise Program

Sometimes getting started is the hardest part of being physically active. The important thing is to find activities you like to do, so you’ll stick with them. Think about how much activity you need to do on a regular basis and how you can get going on a sensible routine.

  • List 3 physical activities that you enjoy doing or would like to try doing on a regular basis.
  • Identify any special requirements or equipment you need before doing them (for example, gym membership, running shoes, etc.).
  • Set a realistic, weekly exercise time goal for yourself (150 minutes or more per week is ideal, but start with what you can really do).
  • Using a digital or printed calendar, plan and label the days of the week, times, and places that you plan to exercise. Specify the activity or activities that you intend to do. (For example: Monday, 6–7 a.m., 30 min on stationary bike, college gym; Wednesday, 2–3 p.m., 60 min speed-walking with Maya, Riverside Park; Saturday, 1–2 p.m, lift weights, college gym.)
  • Track your progress for one week, recording the amount of time you actually exercised. If you engaged in any unplanned physical activities (say you ended up riding your bike to school instead of taking the bus), include those, too.
  • Write about your experience in a short journal entry (1–2 pages) and reflect on what you learned:
    • What kinds of exercise did you engage in, and which did you enjoy the most?
    • What was your weekly time goal? Did you meet it?
    • What worked or didn’t work?
    • What might you need to change in order to make exercise a regular habit?

How are You Taking Care of Yourself?

College students are often so busy trying to keep up with course deadlines and life demands that they overlook their mental health needs. Taking time to rest and rejuvenate is especially important when you are stressed and challenging yourself. So, what are you doing to take care of yourself?

Health Services AT WCC

Facts About Health Services

  • No insurance needed/no charge to be seen. Your student health fee of $5/semester covers appointments (outside tests/x-rays/referrals are costs to students).
  • Registered nurses available all year to assess and reduce illness and injury symptoms, provide TB skin tests, vaccines, health education and referrals.
  • PA or NP available Fall and Spring semesters, some afternoons. Prescriptions may be provided.
  • MMR vaccines given at no charge to meet NYS immunization requirements for college attendance.
  • Self-Care Station for students in our waiting area to help you treat a symptom and return to class quickly. Bandages, medications for pain/fever/common colds, tampons, and pads available at no charge.
  • Free Screening Mon-Fri for the most common STI’s. Free HIV /Hepatitis C
  • Condoms/safer sex information.
  • Blood pressure self-check in waiting area.
  • Short-term loans of medical equipment.
  • Clearances and reassessments processed for all health career and athletic program students.

Common Reasons for Visits

Health & Wellness Counseling for medical and emotional needs, height and weight checks, blood pressure and pulse monitoring, first aid, assistance with injuries and acute illnesses, over the counter medications, health education, resource materials and health education programs, referrals, immunization review and counseling, transfer of Immunization records to other colleges, free HIV Testing (offered by our community partners)

Health Services is available to help all WCC students!

Don’t Suffer From Your Depression in Silence

Based on the video, why is it important for us to talk about how we are feeling? Why is the work of sharing our emotions so important to Nikki Webber Allen? What are some techniques she uses for dealing with her anxiety?

Self Help Resources

 Mental Health and Wellness Apps:

Online Self Help Tools:

Online Screening Tools:

Self Care:

Healthy Study Snacks

Here are healthy, affordable snacks to fuel your study time:

  • Air popped popcorn with a bit of salt and drizzled with extra virgin olive oil, which provides fiber
  • Bell peppers, celery, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, or other veggies dipped in hummus, which contain vitamins
  • Grapes, which, if frozen overnight, provide a sweet popsicle type treat
  • Ants on a log (celery, peanut butter, and raisins)
  • Apples and peanut butter
  • Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries, which are full of vitamin C and have been shown to boost brain power
  • Trail mix with pumpkin or sunflower seeds, dried fruit like cranberries, bananas, cherries, and unsalted almonds, walnuts, or peanuts
  • Hard boiled eggs, which have key ingredients for healthy brain functioning
  • Dark chocolate, which improves mood, focus, and memory
  • Stay hydrated by drinking water or green tea, which has also been shown to improve memory

What snacks are you eating right now while you study? Are there healthier versions?