Goals of First Year Seminar

First Year Seminar is designed to help first year students acquire the skills and behaviors needed to have a successful college experience. Students will use these skills and behaviors to develop attitudes and strategies that promote academic and personal success. Students are encouraged to learn through participation in class and small group discussions, presentations, and reading assignments. One class hour. 1 credit, graded course.

 Upon successful completion of First-Year Seminar (COLSC 100), students will be able to meet the following course learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of expected collegiate behavior.
  • Develop an awareness of, and effectively use, campus resources
  • Initiate and maintain interpersonal relationships
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of effective time management skills with faculty and peers
  1. Demonstrate understanding of elements of effective academic planning
  • Create and evaluate short, median and long-term goals
  • Engage in career development activities to identify a career pathway
  • Map an academic plan that aligns with their career and/or transfer pathway
  • Develop an understanding of the relationship between curriculum and career
  1. Demonstrate familiarity with study skills for success in all disciplines
  • Enhance study skills, such as note taking, test taking, and reading techniques
  • Apply various learning, memory, and critical thinking theories
  • Gain an understanding of the consequences of plagiarism
  1. Demonstrate an awareness of real-world life skills
  • Demonstrate knowledge of issues related to health and wellness
  • Examine basic financial management techniques
  • Apply effective communication skills