9.9 Conclusion

Texts are aimed at a particular audience. They are always expressions of some set of goals or purposes. They can contain visual elements, sound, textual elements, graphic elements, and even textures (think of a book of fabric samples). There is a vast array of tools to help you communicate whatever you wish to any audience you choose. Reaching a large audience has never been easier, but the very fact that you may be communicating with many different kinds of people creates new challenges for you as a communicator. Providing clear, easy-to-access texts is critical. Being clear about your message is vitally important. Just as there’s never before been an audience as vast and diverse as the individuals on the global internet, there’s never been a greater chance that you will be ignored, misinterpreted, misunderstood, criticized, or even trolled. If you adhere to design principles, at least you will be safe from the most basic kinds of criticism aimed at confusing PowerPoint presentations, distractingly busy web sites, or cheesy-looking brochures. Attention to document design can make your documents more effective, efficient, and visually eloquent.

A folded-out brochure in green, black, and white, showing elements of design.

“Brochure design” by evan courtney is licensed under CC BY 2.0.

Content is like water—it takes on the shape of whatever you pour it into. Therefore, the container that holds your text matters. However, content is also like water in another sense. If it’s no good, no one will want to drink it. It won’t quench anyone’s thirst for knowledge, for instructions, for information. Good content, a focused, clear purpose, and careful attention to the needs of the audience will ensure that if the container is appealing, the message will shine through, and you will achieve your goal as a writer.

Learning how to arrange text and images artfully on a page takes education, time, and practice, not to mention thought, hard work, collaboration and a whole email inbox full of user feedback. This chapter has acquainted you with some of the basic elements of design. Perhaps after reading and absorbing the content, you’ll start seeing CRAP wherever you look.