5.2.2: Transformations of the Exponential Function––Stretches, Compressions and Reflections

Learning Outcomes

For the exponential function f(x)=rxf(x)=rx,

  • Perform vertical compressions and stretches
  • Perform reflections across the x-axis
  • Perform reflections across the y-axis
  • Determine the function given specific transformations
  • Determine the transformations of the exponential function f(x)=ar(xh)+k

Stretching Up and Compressing Down

If we vertically stretch the graph of the function f(x)=2x by a factor of two, all of the y-coordinates of the points on the graph are multiplied by 2, but their x-coordinates remain the same. The equation of the function after the graph is stretched by a factor of 2 is f(x)=2(2x). The reason for multiplying  2x by 2 is that each y-coordinate is doubled, and since y=2x, 2x is doubled. Table 1 shows this change and the graph is shown in figure 1. Any point (x,y) on the graph of f(x)=2x moves to (x,2y) when the graph is stretched by a factor of 2.

x 2x 2(2x)
Multiplying a function by a constant

Figure 1. Stretching the graph vertically by a factor of 2

3 18 14
2 14 12
1 12 1
0 1 2
1 2 4
2 4 8
3 8 16
Table 1. Stretching the graph vertically by a factor of 2 transforms f(x)=2x into f(x)=2(2x)

On the other hand, if we vertically compress the graph of the function f(x)=2x by half, all of the y-coordinates of the points on the graph are halved, but their x-coordinates remain the same. This means the y-coordinates are divided by 2, or multiplied by 12. The equation of the function after being compressed by half is f(x)=12(2x). The reason for multiplying 2x by 12 is that each y-coordinate becomes half of the original value when it is divided by 2. Table 2 shows this change and the graph is shown in figure 2. Any point (x,y) on the graph of f(x)=2x moves to (x,12y) when the graph is compressed.

x 2x 12(2x)
Compressing the graph

Figure 2. Compressing the graph.

3 18 116
2 14 18
1 12 14
0 1 12
1 2 1
2 4 2
3 8 4
Table 2. Compressing the graph vertically by half transforms f(x)=2x into f(x)=12(2x)

Stretching and compression can, of course, be applied to any exponential function f(x)=rx, with r>0 and r1.

vertical stretching and compressing

A stretch or compression of the graph of f(x)=rx can be represented by multiplying the function by a constant  a>0.


The magnitude of a indicates the stretch or compression of the graph. If a>1, the graph is stretched upwards by a factor of a. If [latex]0initial value of the function is transformed from 1 to a.

We can change the value of a in figure 3 by moving the purple dot to see what happens to the graph of f(x)=rx. Moving the red dot changes the value of r.

Figure 3. Manipulation of f(x)=arx

Notice that the value of a becomes the initial value of f(x). That is f(0)=a.

Example 1

Manipulate the animation in figure 3 to answer the following questions:

1. What happens to the point (0, 1) on the graph of f(x)=2x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(2x)?

2. What happens to the point (0, 1) on the graph of f(x)=3x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(3x)?

3. What happens to the point (0, 1) on the graph of f(x)=(12)x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(12)x?

4. What happens to the point (0, 1) on the graph of f(x)=rx when it is transformed to f(x)=4rx?

5. What happens to the point (0, 1) on the graph of f(x)=rx when it is transformed to f(x)=arx?


1. With r=2 and a=4, the point (0, 1) moves to (0, 4).

2. With r=3 and a=4, the point (0, 1) moves to (0, 4).

3. With r=12 and a=4, the point (0, 1) moves to (0, 4).

4. With a=4, the point (0, 1) moves to (0,4).

5. The point (0, 1) moves to (0,a).


Try It 1

Manipulate the animation in figure 3 to answer the following questions:

1. What happens to the point (1, 2) on the graph of f(x)=2x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(2x)?

2. What happens to the point (1, 3) on the graph of f(x)=3x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(3x)?

3. What happens to the point (1,12) on the graph of f(x)=(12)x when it is transformed to f(x)=4(12)x?

4. What happens to the point (1,r) on the graph of f(x)=rx when it is transformed to f(x)=4(rx)?

5. What happens to the point (1,r) on the graph of f(x)=rx when it is transformed to f(x)=a(rx)?

6. What happens to the asymptote y=0 when f(x) is stretched or compressed?

Example 2

Determine what happens to the point (2, 9) when the function f(x)=3x is:

1. stretched by a factor of 5

2. compressed to 13 its height


1. When a graph is stretched the x-coordinate stays the same, while the y-coordinate is multiplied by the stretch factor, 5. Hence, (2, 9) becomes (2, 45).

2. When a graph is compressed the x-coordinate stays the same, while the y-coordinate is multiplied by13. Hence, (2, 9) becomes (2, 3).

Try It 2

Determine what happens to the point (–2, 9) when the function f(x)=(13)x is:

1. stretched by a factor of 4

2. compressed to 16 its height

Example 3

The function f(x)=4x is transformed. Determine the equation of the transformed function when:

1. f(x) is stretched by a factor of 2.

2. f(x) is stretched by a factor of 5.

3. f(x) is compressed to 13 its height.

4. f(x) is compressed to 14 its height.


1. Since a=2 the transformed function is f(x)=2(4x).

2. Since a=5 the transformed function is f(x)=5(4x).

3. Since a=13 the transformed function is f(x)=13(4x).

4. Since a=14 the transformed function is f(x)=14(4x).

Try It 3

Determine the transformation made to the parent function g(x)=5x.

1. g(x)=4(5x)

2. g(x)=14(5x)

3. g(x)=7(5x)

4. g(x)=13(5x)

Reflection across the x-axis

When the graph of the function f(x)=2x is reflected across the x-axis, the y-coordinates of all of the points on the graph change their signs, from positive to negative values, while the x-coordinates remain the same. The equation of the function after f(x)=2x is reflected across the x-axis is f(x)=2x. The graph changes from increasing upwards to decreasing downwards. Table 3 shows the effect of such a reflection on the function values and the graph is shown in figure 4. While the x-coordinate stays the same, the y-coordinate becomes y.

x y=2x y=2x or y=2x
reflection across x-axis

Figure 4. Reflecting the graph of f(x)=2x across the x-axis.

3 18 18
2 14 14
1 12 12
0 1 1
1 2 2
2 4 4
3 8 8
Table 3. Reflecting the graph of f(x)=2x across the x-axis transforms f(x)=2x into f(x)=2x

Example 4

The function f(x)=4x is reflected across the x-axis. What happens to the point (2, 16) that lies on the parent function after the transformation?


When a function is reflected across the x-axis, the x-coordinate stays the same while the y-coordinate changes sign. So (2, 16) is transformed to (2, –16).

Try It 4

The function f(x)=(23)x is reflected across the x-axis. What happens to the point (1,32) that lies on the parent function after the transformation?

Reflection across the y-axis

When the graph of the function f(x)=2x is reflected across the y-axis, the x-coordinates of all of the points on the graph change their signs while the y-coordinates remain the same. The equation of the function after f(x)=2x is reflected across the y-axis is f(x)=2x. The graph changes from increasing from the left to decreasing from the left. Table 4 shows the effect of such a reflection on the functions values and the graph is shown in figure 5. While the y-coordinate stays the same, the x-coordinate becomes x.

x 2x 2x

Figure 5. Reflecting the graph of f(x)=2x across the y-axis.

3 18 8
2 14 4
1 12 2
0 1 1
1 2 12
2 4 14
3 8 18
Table 4. Reflecting the graph of f(x)=2x across the y-axis transforms f(x)=2x into f(x)=2x

Example 5

The function f(x)=4x is reflected across the y-axis. What happens to the point (2, 16) that lies on the parent function, after the transformation?


When a function is reflected across the y-axis, the y-coordinate stays the same while the x-coordinate changes sign. So (2, 16) is transformed to (–2, 16).

Try It 5

The function f(x)=7x is reflected across the y-axis. What happens to the point (1,17) that lies on the parent function, after the transformation?

Determine the transformations of the exponential function f(x)=arxh+k

All of the transformations we have applied to the parent function f(x)=rx can be combined. The result is a general exponential function f(x)=arxh+k. Given any function in the form f(x)=arxh+k, we can determine from the values of a,h, and k the transformations that were performed on the parent function f(x)=rx. Likewise, if we know the transformations, we can write the equation of the transformed function.

Example 6

What transformations were performed on the parent function f(x)=2x to get the function f(x)=3(2x+4)6?


First we identify a,h, and k:


A negative value of a means the function f(x)=2x has been reflected across the x-axis. a=3 means it has also been stretched by a factor of 3.

h=4 means the parent function has been shifted horizontally 4 units left, while k=6 means it has been shifted vertically down by 6 units.

Try It 6

What transformations were performed on the parent function f(x)=2x to get the function f(x)=14(2x6)+3?

Example 7

If the parent function g(x)=3x is stretched by a factor of 7, reflected across the y-axis, and shifted vertically 3 units down, what is the equation of the transformed function?


Stretched by a factor of 7 means a=7.

Reflected across the y-axis means x becomes x.

Shifted vertically down by 3 units means k=3.

So, the transformed function is f(x)=7(3x)3.

Try It 7

If the parent function g(x)=5x is compressed to 14 its height, reflected across the x-axis, shifted horizontally left by 9 units, and shifted vertically up by 4 units, what is the equation of the transformed function?

Move the dots in figure 6, to see what happens to the graph of the parent function f(x)=rx when it is transformed by changing the values of the constants a,h,k and by making x negative to reflect across the yaxis.

Figure 6. Transformation of f(x)=rx