About College Success

Success doesn’t come to you…you go to it.

This quote by Dr. Marva Collins sets the stage for the journey you are about to take. Your success, however you choose to define it, is waiting for you, and this text is your guide to your success. Some may believe that success looks like a straight and narrow line that connects the dots between where you are and where you are going, but the truth is that success looks more like a hot mess of twists and turns, curves and bumps, and hurdles and alternate pathways.

In the text, the authors tell stories about their own academic, personal, and life-career successes. While reading, consider the following guiding questions:

  • How do you demonstrate college readiness through the use of effective study skills and campus resources?
  • How do you apply basic technological and information management skills for academic and lifelong career development?
  • How do you demonstrate the use of critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems and draw conclusions?
  • How do you demonstrate basic awareness of self in connection with academic and personal goals?
  • How do you identify and demonstrate knowledge of the implications of choices related to wellness?
  • How do you demonstrate basic knowledge of cultural diversity?