Introduction to Quantitative Strategies

Student working complex math problem on chalkboard

In the past, when some people get a problem wrong, they might have thought that they just don’t have the ability to study math–that they’re not math people. But when you talk to professional mathematicians, the people who are best at math, it turns out that they work a long time on the same problem–and they only spend their time on problems that they struggle with the most. And even though you might think they make up answers on their own, almost always mathematicians have to ask people for help.

–The Carnegie Foundation for The Advancement of Teaching

Learning Objectives

By the end of this section, you will be able to:

  • Describe how personal attitudes toward quantitative courses can impact success
  • Compare effective note-taking strategies for quantitative courses against those for other courses
  • Identify strategies for reading quantitative texts
  • Compare pre- and post-test-taking strategies for quantitative courses against those for other courses


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