Assignment: Therapy and Treatment

STEP 1: Review your previous discussion assignment about the fictional character who could be diagnosed with a psychological disorder.

STEP 2: Considering the diagnosis and disorder, describe THREE different treatment methods from your readings that could be used to treat the disorder. Give details about each method, then conclude with your recommendation for the best treatment or therapy method, and why. Essay should be between 200-400 words.


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Content Correctly describes 3 treatment methods Describes 2-3 treatment methods Partially describes 1-2 treatment methods __/12
Research and citations Effectively explains a recommendation for the best treatment method for the chosen disorder Explains a recommendation for the best treatment method for the chosen disorder Does not or only partially explains a recommendation for the best treatment method for the chosen disorder __/8
Total: __/20