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The Principles of Marketing textbook contains fifteen modules—roughly one module per week for a 16-week semester. If you need to modify the pace and cover the material more quickly, the following modules work well together:

  • Module 1: What Is Marketing? and Module 2: Marketing Function. Both are lighter, introductory modules.
  • Module 14: Global Marketing and Module 15: Marketing Plan. Module 15 has more course review and synthesis information than new material per se.
  • Module 5: Ethics can be combined with any module. You can also move it around without losing anything.
  • Module 8: Positioning and Module 9: Branding. Companion modules that can be covered in a single week.
  • Module 6: Marketing Information & Research and Module 7: Consumer Behavior. Companion modules that can be covered in a single week.

We recommend NOT doubling up the following modules, because they are long and especially challenging. Students will need more time for mastery and completion of assignments.

  • Module 4: Marketing Strategy
  • Module 10: Product Marketing
  • Module 13: Promotion: Integrated Marketing Communication