Instructions for Faculty: Marketing Plan Assignments

Waymaker Principles of Marketing course learning outcomes cover a variety of topics related to marketing, culminating in creating a marketing plan. The recommended set of performance assessments in the Waymaker Marketing course includes a combination of submitted assignments and discussion forums, through which students develop content that contributes to the creation of their own marketing plans.

Please see the “Performance Assessment” page in the Faculty Resources module for complete information about these assignments and discussions.

For convenience, we have pre-loaded the assignments into your LMS assignment tool and have grouped them together in this initial Marketing Plan module.

Because the assignments are designed to cover multiple course modules, we recommend that you (1) review them for alignment with specific sequence in which you teach your course, (2) adapt them as necessary to ensure alignment, and (3) move each assignment to the module that corresponds with the week in which your students will complete them. When you are finished, this module will likely be empty except for these instructions, and you may unpublish or delete it.

If you do not wish to use these assignments, you may simply unpublish or delete this module.


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