Can My Quiz Attempt Get Lost?

As you are getting started with your quizzes, remember to:

  • Complete the quiz in one sitting. Your attempts will not be saved until you click “Finish” and “Yes” to submit.
  • Make sure to have a strong internet connection when taking quizzes
  • Use ONLY the quiz buttons inside the quiz frame while taking the quiz: If you use page navigation to move to a different page during a quiz, your response might get lost.

As you are taking a quiz, remember:

  • You can use the “Next” button or click on the next question to move forward through the quiz.
  • Use the “Finish” button and then “Yes” to submit answers and view results. If you have not answered all of the questions, you will not be able to submit the quiz.

As you are about to finish with your assessments, remember:

  • Do NOT leave the quiz before viewing results.
  • Do NOT use any other navigation controls.
  • Do NOT close your browser tab.
  • Do NOT refresh your browser.

Please wait patiently for results to load; results usually load in under one second but can take twenty seconds or more at times.

If you accidentally do any of the above, you will receive a warning message. Please pay attention to it and select “Stay on this page” to remain on the quiz and finish it.

You can view the results page only after completing the quiz and cannot return to the results page once you close it.

If you see an unsubmitted attempt, please let your instructor know. This could be due to a technical issue or navigation away from the quiz during your attempt. Your instructor can work with the Lumen support team to determine the best course of action. To find out more about technical requirements and support, please continue to the next page.