Multiple Attempts and Multiple Answers

What does it look like when you finish strong with your quizzes and self checks? Waymaker courses give you multiple attempts on some assessments to get feedback on areas of success and improvement–so you know how you are progressing as a learner. You’ll get meaningful feedback to help you know where to study more.

Practice with Self-Checks and Show What You Knows

The Self Checks at the end of each section allow you to take practice questions that cover the concepts and material you’ve just completed. Take a look at the Self Check pictured below.

Self Check Preview

In this practice assessment you will answer each question, and then receive immediate feedback about that question before you are able to move on to the next. At the end of the assessment, Waymaker will give you a summary designed to help you decide if you’re ready to move on, or if you need to go back and review the material again.

While the Show What You Knows are designed to help you gauge your prior knowledge, and show you where to focus in the study plan, they can also be used for review. Like the self checks, they are practice assessments that can be taken as many times as you like. While the Self Checks cover a single section, the Show What You Know asks questions for the whole Study Plan, and makes a great pre-quiz review.

Understanding the Feedback

Self Checks

When you take a Self Check, Waymaker generates feedback to help you understand where you are with your learning. As you answer each question, Waymaker takes that information and gives you advice on how to improve. For example, let’s say you are doing really well. If you took the self check and got all of the questions right, you likely have a good understanding of the material for the section and you will see

Self Check Results Excellent Job

What if you thought you were doing really well, but you actually needed to study more? At the end of the self check you will see

Self Check Results Needs Work

Remember, don’t take another attempt immediately! Give yourself time to review the material and study. Taking the time to study and review using the Self Checks and Show What You Know will help you master–or learn–the material in this course. That’s the goal!


By default you will have 2 attempts on quizzes. Remember, you’ll want to complete your quiz attempt in entirety and submit (select finish and yes) before exiting the quiz. Navigating away from the quiz or closing before you submit will cause your attempt to be unsubmitted and use up one of your quiz attempts. Once you get your results, don’t take another attempt immediately! Give yourself time to review the material and study.

Quiz Summary Results

As you have multiple attempts on your quizzes, the next page will provide helpful reminders on best practices for quiz attempts.