Module 11 Assignment: Public Relations: Invertebrates are Awesome!

You have been hired as a public relations specialist to give invertebrates a good name. After all, they are much more than just creepy crawly bugs!

Your first task though is to convince yourself that is true. The best way to do that is to start close to home. Find something in your house that is a product obtained directly from an invertebrate or only due to an invertebrate’s actions. Describe the product, its function and utility, as well as any human manufactured alternatives. Be sure to highlight the advantages of obtaining this directly from nature.

Keep in mind, a product can be something you use, wear, eat, or enjoy for its visual appeal.

Rubric: Public Relations: Invertebrates are Awesome!

Criteria Ratings Pts
Home product is identified A non-obvious product is identified An obvious home product is identified No product is identified 3 pts
Function and utility Full functions and uses are discussed One function/use is discussed No function or use is discussed 3 pts
Human alternatives At least one manufactured alternative is identified or suggested A manufactured alternative is identified or suggested No alternative is identified 3 pts
Natural advantages Advantages and disadvantages are identified for obtaining this product naturally Advantages are identified for obtaining this product naturally No advantages are identified for the natural product 3 pts
Total points: 12