Why describe the components and role of the excretory system?
The daily intake recommendation for human water consumption is eight to ten glasses of water. In order to achieve a healthy balance, the human body should excrete the eight to ten glasses of water every day. This occurs via the processes of urination, defecation, sweating and, to a small extent, respiration. The organs and tissues of the human body are soaked in fluids that are maintained at constant temperature, pH, and solute concentration, all crucial elements of homeostasis. The solutes in body fluids are mainly mineral salts and sugars, and osmotic regulation is the process by which the mineral salts and water are kept in balance. Osmotic homeostasis is maintained despite the influence of external factors like temperature, diet, and weather conditions.
Learning Outcomes
- Explain why osmoregulation and osmotic balance are important body functions
- Describe the structure of the kidneys and the functions of the parts of the kidney
- Explain how different excretion systems function
- Explain how hormonal cues help the kidneys synchronize the osmotic needs of the body