Module 1 Discussion: New Responsibilities and Strategies

In the module Motivating Success, we provide general guidance in Responsibilities of Student Life and Ensuring Success During Your First Year.


For this assignment, you are going to:

  • Spend 10 minutes gathering your individual thoughts regarding the differences between college student life and how they differ from high school life.
  • Join a small group of fellow classmates to compare your ideas with those of your group regarding the differences between college and high school responsibilities.
  • Continue in your group with a brainstorming session: given the biggest differences between college and high school responsibilities, what strategies would be most effective to achieve success in your freshman year of college.

At the end of small group discussion, each group will select a spokesperson to share the ideas of the group with the entire class. After each group has presented their ideas, all students can comment reactions, opinions, etc. to the class.


Grading Rubric
Criteria Meets Requirements Needs Improvements Does Not Meet Requirements Points
Individual notes. Submission includes written notes addressing the individual student’s thoughts regarding the differences between college student life and how they differ from high school life. Submission includes incomplete written notes addressing the individual student’s thoughts regarding the differences between college student life and/or how they differ from high school life. Submission does not include written notes addressing the individual student’s thoughts regarding the differences between college student life and/or how they differ from high school life. _/5
Group notes. Submission includes a written reflection clearly addressing the biggest differences between college and high school responsibilities and what strategies would be most effective to achieve success in your freshman year of college. Submission includes an incomplete reflection addressing the biggest differences between college and high school responsibilities and/or what strategies would be most effective to achieve success in your freshman year of college. Submission does not include a reflection addressing the biggest differences between college and high school responsibilities and/or what strategies would be most effective to achieve success in your freshman year of college. _/5