Module 2 Assignment: Advise a Future Student

Open Pedagogy Assignment

Open Pedagogy Assignments are assignments in which students use their agency and creativity to create knowledge artifacts that can support their own learning, their classmates’ learning, and the learning of students around the world. (See this peer-reviewed article for more details.) The assignment on this page is aligned to a learning outcome of College Success and we’ve identified the module where the reading appears. This assignment can be created with a cell phone camera or other video recording device, Google or Word documents, and your learning management system.

In the module, Goal Setting and Time Management, we discuss different time management styles in Your Use of Time, from both the positive and negative perspectives. Which style are you? Take a minute to complete the interactive exercise to determine whether you are an Early Bird, The Balancing Act, The Pressure Cooker, or The Improviser.


Using your cell phone or any other recording device, create a short video advising a fellow student who shares your time management style. You don’t have to edit or create a professional-grade film. You’ve most likely have done this type of recording already on social media, so use the same informal conversational tone.

Think of your audience as a fellow student who is interested in learning about time management. For instance, if you like to get things done as soon as possible, act as if you were speaking to a fellow early bird. If you need a bit of help on what to talk about, address the following:

  • What is your time management style?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your challenges?
  • What are your tips for success? In other words, what advice would you give to this student?


Grading Rubric
Criteria Meets Requirements Needs Improvements Does Not Meet Requirements Points
Video submission. Submission includes a video about the student’s time management style. Submission includes an incomplete video about the student’s time management style. Submission does not include a video about the student’s time management style. _/8
Strengths and challenges of the time management style. Submission includes a clear and effective discussion of the strengths and challenges of the time management style. Submission lacks a reflection and/or details discussing the strengths and/or the challenges of the time management style Submission does not address the strengths and the challenges of the time management style. _/6
Advice specific to the time management style. Submission includes advice for how to succeed with the time management style. Submission includes incomplete advice for how to succeed with the time management style and/or could offer addition reflections and details. Submission does not provide advice for how to succeed with the specific time management style. _/6