Module 2 Assignment: Impact of Your Surroundings

It can be easy to become caught in the trap of our existing physical environment without taking time to consider if that space is adversely impacting our ability to be successful. It’s important to reflect on the impact your environment has on your ability to fully concentrate and engage in studying and your coursework. Let’s take some time to consider your current workspace.


Step 1: Take a photograph of your current study space. This can be your personal space at home, a space at school, or a public space. Be respectful if you are taking a picture of a space at school or a public space. If you are uncomfortable sharing a picture of your personal workspace, search Creative Commons images ( or another appropriate search tool for a picture of a similar workspace.

Step 2: Study the photograph or image and think about how this space impacts your ability for academic success and more importantly your ability to concentrate on your coursework.

Step 3: Now that you have thought about your study space, discuss your workspace and how it contributes to your productive work and the ability to meet your goals or why this space is not ideal for effective study habits.

Specifically, think about the organization and cleanliness of your space, your comfort when you work, and whether the environment is conducive to studying based on your needs. Describe if the space is noisy or results in frequent interruptions. How does the space impact your mood and emotion when working?

Step 4: Now that you have reflected on your workspace, add to your text that discusses how your space could be improved or how you would overcome the environment to increase your productivity.

Step 5: Your final document should include a photograph of your space or a representative image and include a reflective text of a minimum of 450 words.


Grading Rubric
Criteria Meets Requirements Needs Improvements Does Not Meet Requirements Points
Submitted a photograph or relevant image of your current workspace. Submission includes photograph or image of a student workspace (either personal or from Creative Commons). Submission includes a photograph or image of a workspace but the image is low quality or could provide additional relevant detail. Submission does not include a photograph or image of a workspace. _/8
Document discusses the environmental impact of the workspace. Submission includes discussion of the current workspace and its impact on the student’s productivity. Submission includes an incomplete discussion of the current workspace and its impact on the student’s productivity. Additional reflections and details are needed. Submission does not include details of how the workspace impacts the student’s productivity. _/6
Document discusses how the current workspace could be improved to better meet their needs. Submission includes a clear and effective discussion of how the workspace can be improved to increase productivity. Submission includes an incomplete discussion of how the workspace can be improved to increase productivity and/or could offer additional details. Submission does not include a clear discussion of how the workspace can be improved to increase productivity. _/6