Module 8 Assignment: Presentation Strategies

In the module Motivating Success, we provide general guidance for Presentation Strategies. This Assignment will ask you to partner with another student and prepare a presentation. The Assignment will then be paired with the class Discussion with you and your partner presenting your completed presentation to the class.

Presentations are a strong form of communication that you will need to perform in your college career, as well as your professional career. Like other forms of communication, your skills will become stronger with practice. And like other forms of communication, putting the audience first is the key to a successful presentation.


Step 1: Select a partner or have your instructor arrange you in pairs for this assignment. You will work together to prepare the presentation using Google Slides, that will later be presented as a team to the entire class in a Discussion session of the class.

Step 2: Each team will select their presentation type: Informative, Persuasive, Lesson Delivery, or Demonstration and must have at least 12 slides.

Step 3: Your presentation must not only communicate information pertinent to the topic, but be designed in a way that best reaches your audience. Try to avoid the pitfalls outlined in the text like: font too small, too many words per slide, spelling and grammar errors, etc.

Presentation Tips:

  1. Audiences absorb more information in the first five minutes of a presentation and the last five minutes of a presentation. Design your slides so that the main idea is presented in the first slide or two, and recap your main point in the presentation summary at the end.
  2. In each slide, ask yourself what would your audience be interested to know about the topic you are presenting. How does your slide matter to the audience?
  3. Use appropriate graphics to illustrate your ideas and break up the text of the slides.


Grading Rubric
Criteria Meets Requirements Needs Improvements Does Not Meet Requirements Points
Presentation submission. The presentation is on topic and at least 12 slides long, and presents the main idea in the first slide or two with a recap of the main point in the presentation summary or at the end of the presentation. The presentation is on topic and at least 12 slides long, but the main idea is not presented on the first or second slide and/or there is no recap of the main point at the end of the presentation. Presentation not submitted or the presentation is shorter than 12 slides. _/8
Presentation type. The presentation type is clear from the presentation contents or the presenter notes. The presentation type is not immediately clear from the presentation contents or the presenter notes. The presentation type is not clear and/or the presentation utilizes many different presentation types with no clear dominant presentation type. _/6
Consider your audience and avoid common presentation pitfalls. It is clear that the presentation has been crafted with its audience in mind, none of the common presentation errors are present, and there are no spelling or grammar errors. It is clear that the audience has been considered, most common presentation errors are not present, and/or there are few spelling or grammar errors. It’s not clear that the audience has been considered, there are common presentation mistakes, and/or there are many spelling and grammar errors. _/6