Course Policies and College Policies

Learning Outcomes

  • Explain how to access individual course policies and college-wide policies

Think of your college campus as a small town—maybe even a little city. In the same way that towns and cities need laws to regulate citizen activities, colleges and universities need codes and policies to define appropriate behaviors, events, activities, operations, and much more.

College-Wide Policies

Each institution has its own unique set of codes and policies, but many commonalities can be found between the codes and policies of different institutions. You can expect to find policy and codes about academic standards, admissions, enrollment, tuition and fees, student classifications, degree types, degree requirements, transfer agreements, advising, course scheduling, majors, minors, credits, syllabi, exams, grade-point averages, academic warnings, scholarships, faculty affairs, research, rights and responsibilities, and honors and distinctions.

Here are examples of several sets of policies and rules that you may be interested in looking over:

Where to Access Policies

Take time to find the policies and procedures for your institution. You can find them online, in the print version of the college handbook, in the admissions office, through your guidance counselor, and/or in the main office building of your academic program.

Course-Specific Policies

Be aware that your individual instructors will provide you with information about their course-specific policies and procedures. This information may include policies about grading, absences, and academic integrity. You will also find expectations for submitting work, for communicating with your teacher, and much more. Course-specific policies can affect your grades on individual assignments as well as your final grade.

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policies: broad institutional and course-specific rules that outline expectations and define requirements