SUM Data

Learning Outcomes

  • Use AutoSum button.

One of the main uses for Excel is to organize and manipulate numerical data. Often you may wish to add up all the numbers in a column or row. Excel has formulas and commands to automatically add your data, and the easiest way to use this feature is the AutoSum button.

  1. Once your numbers are organized in either a row or column, click on the cell where you would like the total sum to display. In the screenshot below this was A13.
  2. Click on the AutoSum button from the Editing group of the ribbon.
  3. Excel will highlight the cells that it is adding up and will apply the SUM formula.
  4. Hit Enter to accept the highlighted cells and see the total value of your data.
An excel sheet is open with numbers in column A through row 13. There is an orange arrow pointing to the numbers in row A meaning they have all been selected. There is a green arrow pointing at the sum feature which is being surrounded by a green box. There is a pink arrow pointing at a pink box which shows the result of the sum.

Note that it is possible to SUM several columns (or rows) at once. Select all the cells you wish to display a SUM and click AutoSum. Excel will individually add up the columns.

There is an excel sheet open with numbers in columns A and B through row 14 only discounting row 13. There is a green arrow pointing to cell B14 where the sum of the results from cells B1 through B12 are.

Practice Question

The AutoSum option can be found in two areas:

  • It is contained in the Editing group of the ribbon, as shown in the first example above.
  • It can also be found under the Formulas tab.
There is an excel sheet open with numbers in columns A and B through row 14 only discounting row 13. There is a green box around the AutoSum dropdown menu under the Formulas tab on the ribbon.

Practice Question


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