Module 2 Discussion: Academic Argument

In this section, you learned more about what kind of evidence you can use to support your stance on an issue. What remains consistent no matter the discipline in which you are writing, however, is that evidence NEVER speaks for itself—you must integrate it into your own argument or claim and demonstrate that the evidence supports your thesis.

For this discussion post, write 150-200 words summarizing a research paper that you have written in the past OR summarize research that you have done in school, in the workplace, or in your life. Summarize your topic and what kind of sources you cited.

Respond in two separate posts to two classmates (in at least 75 words for each post). Did you notice if they used qualitative or quantitative research to support their argument? Do you have any questions about their research?


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Follows prompt directions Follows the prompt instructions. Somewhat follows the prompt instructions. Examples may incomplete. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Responds to peers Response is engaged with peer’s post. Posts on time. Response is somewhat engaged with peer’s post. Post is short and/or late. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Total: __/20