Module 3 Discussion: Critical Reading

  1. Read the essay “Navigating Genres.”
    • Note how the essay’s author, Kerry Dirk, discusses several genres, including Country songs, Onion headlines, thesis statements, and research papers. Toward the end of the essay, Dirk writes a ransom note in three different styles. Think about which version is the best fit for the “ransom note genre.”
  2. Consider: What are some genres that you feel you know well? (For instance: romance novel, superhero movie, funny tweet, angry text message, etc.)
  3. Choose one of the genres that you feel you know well, and write a list of at least five characteristics or features that texts in this genre tend to share.
  4. Write a short reflection (around 250 words) on the following theme: What do you think is the best example of your chosen genre, and why? How does it cover the five features you identified above?


Sample Grading Rubric
Criteria Proficient Developing Not Evident Points
Follows prompt directions Follows the prompt instructions. Somewhat follows the prompt instructions. Examples may incomplete. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Responds to peers Response is engaged with peer’s post. Posts on time. Response is somewhat engaged with peer’s post. Post is short and/or late. Does not follow the instructions. __/10
Total: __/20