Putting It Together: Revising a Research Paper

  • Coherence in writing refers to the big picture of a text. Some strategies to revise your argument for coherence include reverse outlining and question outlining to check the logic and flow of your draft to ensure readers can see the big picture you are trying to create.
  • One way to achieve paragraph coherence is to follow the ADVICE format:  Announce the paragraph’s main idea in the first sentence, Develop the core idea, Validate your claim, Interpret that evidence, Conclude, and Extend.
  • Clear writing is effortless reading that makes you want to read more. It is clear and concise, uses short sentences and simple words. It keeps to the facts and is easy to read and to understand.
  • Readers expect sentences to deliver information using a certain predictable structure. In order to make your sentences clear and easy to understand, align the main character and action with the main subject and verb.
  • Appreciation feedback typically lets the writer know that they’re doing a good job and are, as the name implies, appreciated. You use coaching feedback when you want to help someone improve, learn, or change.  Evaluation feedback is a ranking, rating, or judgement of a person’s performance.
  • Strategies to incorporate peer review into your revision process include asking your peer reviewer to summarize your essay in just a few sentences, to consider what someone from the opposing view would think, or to fill in an outline using your essay.
  • One way to make sure that peer review works for all parties is to use the SPARK strategy. Peer review feedback should be Specific, Prescriptive, Actionable, Referenced, and Kind.
  • Strategies for proofreading a paper include taking a break, reading it aloud to catch errors, or reverse reading sentence-by-sentence.
  • In 2008, Andrea Lunsford and Karen Lunsford conducted a study of a large representative sample of English Composition essays from all over the country and used it to assemble a list of the twenty most common errors made by Composition students.  Knowing these along with common punctuation errors can help you look for those in your proofreading and editing.
  • Resources to help with proofreading include spell check, grammar check, text-to-speech, friends, peers, and the Writing Center.