TKI Model of Conflict Resolution: Alternative Text

TKI Model of Conflict Resolution showing five styles of conflict management. There are two axes: the y axis shows importance of achieving a goal (low to high) and the x axis shows importance of relationship (low to high).

  • In the competing style, one party seeks to satisfy interest regardless of impact to other party; thus, the goal is very important, and the relationship is not important.
  • In the collaborating style, both parties win, thus the goal is very important and the relationship is very important.
  • In the compromise style, both parties win and give up something; thus, the goal and relationship are somewhat important.
  • In the avoiding style, one or both parties seek to suppress the conflict; thus, the goal and relationship are not important.
  • In accommodating style, one party yields the win to the other party; thus, the goal is not important and the relationship is very important.