Module 6 Discussion: Considering Organizational Structures

Post 1: Initial Post


This posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for this post should be in the 100–200-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate.

For Discussion

Choose ONE of the following questions to respond to in your initial post.

  1. Many businesses have moved toward a decentralized organization in which managers at all levels of the organization can make decisions affecting their areas of the business. What kinds of advantages does decentralization offer? What challenges does it present?
  2. One of the current trends in organization is flatter organizational structures. What types of businesses do you think benefit most from this type of structure? Do you think a flat structure could work at a very large organization with several thousand employees? Why or why not?
  3. Think of an organization that you’re a part of. It could be a workplace, team, or club. Identify Schein’s four key elements in the organization’s structure: common purpose, coordinated effort, division of labor, and hierarchy of authority. If you had to choose one of the common organizational structures for your organization, which would you choose and why?

Posts 2 and 3: Respond to Classmates’ Posts


After you have created your initial post, look over the discussion posts of your classmates and give at least two thoughtful responses to two different classmates (one per classmate).

A response posting should be a minimum of one short paragraph. Word totals for these posts should be in the 75–100-word range. Whether you agree or disagree, explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. The goal of your response posts is to extend discussions already taking place or pose new possibilities or opinions not previously voiced. Your goal should be to motivate the group discussion and present a creative approach to the topic.