Gramática: Los pronombres de sujeto


  • Change personal nouns into subject pronouns
Cover of record album called Yo soy usted

Play Audio Pronombres de sujeto

Subject pronouns are words that can be used as the subject of a sentence rather than repeating the noun or name of the thing or person who is doing the action. (Click here for an explanation of pronouns in English)

In Spanish, the singular subjects are:

Play Audioyo I
Play Audio you (informal)
Play Audiousted you (formal)
Play Audioél he
Play Audioella she

Plural subjects are:

Play Audionosotros / Play Audionosotras * we
Play Audiovosotros  / Play Audiovosotras ** you (informal in Spain)
Play Audioellos  / Play Audioellas they
Play Audioustedes you (formal in Spain; formal and informal elsewhere)

*Nosotros (we) has a feminine nosotras that is used when the entire group is composed of females. Likewise, vosotros and ellos have feminine forms vosotras and ellas.

** In Latin America, vosotros is almost unheard of, and ustedes is exclusively used for the plural “you” in both formal and informal speaking.

As society has become more sensitive to questions of gender and sexual identity, people have begun experimenting with ways to adjust the traditional binary-gendered structure of the Spanish language. For now, you should begin by learning the pronouns as used in standard Spanish, as detailed above; click here to explore some of the experiments in gender-neutral language that Spanish speakers have been developing.