Click on each link below for a review summary to help you complete the assignments and prepare for the quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the objectives.
En la casa
el baño (bathroom)
- el inodoro (toilet)
- la bañera (bathtub)
- la ducha (shower)
- el espejo (mirror)
- el lavabo (sink)
el dormitorio (bedroom)
- la cama (bed)
- la mesita de noche (night stand)
- la lámpara (lamp)
- el armario (closet)
la sala (living room)
- el sofá (sofa/couch)
- el sillón (armchair)
- la cortina (curtain)
- la mesita (little table)
- la alfombra (carpet)
el comedor (dining room)
- La mesa (table)
la cocina (kitchen)
- el refrigerador
- la nevera / el congelador (freezer)
- el fregadero (sink)
- la estufa (stove)
- el microondas (microwave)
- el horno (oven)
el patio (patio)
el jardín (garden)
Estar + location
Prepositions of location
- alrededor (around)
- al lado de (beside, next to)
- enfrente de (in front of)
- a la derecha de (to the right of)
- a la izquierda de (to the left of)
- debajo de (under)
- en (on, in)
- encima de (on, above)
- detrás de (behind)
- cerca de (close to)
- lejos de (far from)
The question word used to ask about locations is ¿Dónde? (where?). It can be combined with prepositions to ask more specific questions, for example: ¿De dónde? (from where?) and ¿Adónde? (to where?).
Ir + a + infinitivo
The verb ir is used as a way to describe future plans when used in the following manner: ir + a + infinitive. It’s important to remember that you only need to conjugate ir in this kind of sentence.
- Yo voy a estudiar esta noche. (I’m going to study tonight.)
- Tú no vas a ganar mucho dinero aquí. (You are not going to earn much money here.)
- Ella no va a comprar el libro. (She’s not going to buy the book.)
- Ustedes van a mirar la tele, ¿verdad? (You all are going to watch TV, right?)