Click on each link below for a review summary to help you complete the assignments and prepare for the quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the objectives.
Use the vocabulary of months and days
Días y meses
Días de la semana (Days of the week):
Meses del año (Months of the year)
Palabras útiles
hoy (today)
¿Qué día es hoy? (What day is today?)
Hoy es … (Today is…)
ayer (yesterday)
anteayer (the day before yesterday)
mañana (tomorrow)
pasado mañana (the day after tomorrow)
en tres días (in three days)
que viene (next, coming)
Use dates and the question word ¿cuándo?
La fecha
- The verb ser is used to give dates:
- Hoy es el 20 de mayo.
- To expand dates to include years, use the preposition de (of):
- Es el 4 de julio de 1776.
- On the first day of the month use the ordinal number “el primero” (first) and not “el uno”.
- Es el primero de enero de 2020.
- Remember that masculine forms of the numbers are always used with dates, and months are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence:
- Enero es mi mes favorito.
- Also remember, to say “in a certain month” use the preposition en (in):
- Voy a Guatemala en abril.
- However, to say “on a certain day” / “on certain days” use the definite article el / los:
- Me voy el lunes.
Use subject pronouns and the verb ser to give and ask for information
Singular subject pronouns:
yo | I |
tú | you (informal) |
usted | you (formal) |
él | he |
ella | she |
Plural subject pronouns:
nosotros / nosotras * | we |
vosotros / vosotras ** | you (informal in Spain) |
ellos / ellas | they |
ustedes | you (formal in Spain; formal and informal elsewhere) |
*Nosotros (we) has a feminine nosotras that is used when the entire group is composed of females. Likewise, vosotros and ellos have feminine forms vosotras and ellas.
** In Latin America, vosotros is almost unheard of, and ustedes is exclusively used for the plural “you” in both formal and informal speaking.
ser (to be) | |
singular | plural |
yo soy | nosotros somos |
tú eres | vosotros sois* |
él es / ella es / usted es | ellos son / ellas son / ustedes son |
Use adjectives to describe things using the correct position, gender and number of adjectives
Los colores
- rojo (red)
- amarillo (yellow)
- azul (blue)
- verde (green)
- morado (purple)
- anaranjado (orange)
- rosado (pink)
- blanco (white)
- negro (black)
- marrón (brown)
- gris (gray)
- azul oscuro (dark blue)
- azul claro (light blue)
- claro (clear or light)
- oscuro (dark)
- colorido (colorful)
- descolorido (colorless)
- opaco (dull, opaque)
Algunos adjetivos:
- interesante (interesting)
- inteligente (intelligent)
- importante (important)
- grande (big)
- amable (nice)
- feliz (happy)
- alegre (joyful)
- fácil (easy)
- difícil (difficult)
- paciente/ impaciente (patient/impatient)
- idealista/realista (idealistic/realistic)
- optimista/pesimista (optimistic/pessimistic)
- sociable (sociable)
- egoísta (selfish)