Unidad 1: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?
1-1 Encantado
- Identify and use common greetings and goodbyes
- Identify appropriate responses to spoken greetings and goodbyes.
- Identify formal and informal greetings
- Recognize the sounds of letters in Spanish
- Saludos y despedidas
- Alfabeto
1-2 ¿Eres estudiante?
- Change personal nouns into subject pronouns
- Identify the correct conjugations of the verb ser (to be)
- Use the verb ser to give and ask for more personal information
1-3 ¿Qué hay en la clase?
- Identify objects in the classroom
- Identify the gender of nouns
- Change nouns from singular to plural
- Form numbers up to 30
- Write the numbers that you hear
- Artículos indefinidos y definidos
- Verbo hay
1-4 ¿Hay estudiantes en la clase?
- Select the appropriate definite or indefinite article for the context
- Identify whether there is or there are different items based on spoken questions
- Form yes/no questions
- Answer yes/no questions
1-5 Cultura: Los Hispanos en Los Estados Unidos
- Read a short passage to identify information about hispanic culture in the United States
Unidad 2: ¿Qué clases tomas?
2-1 ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?
- Recognize and identify locations and courses at the university
- Identify the correct conjugated forms of verbs in the present tense that end in –ar
- Use verbs in the present tense that end in –ar to describe everyday activities
- Recognize the subject of a sentence (personal pronoun) based on verb conjugation (with -ar verbs)
- Ask and answer questions with ¿qué/cuál?
- Verbos regulares con –AR
- Preguntas con “¿qué?” y “¿cuál?”
2-2 ¿Cuál es la fecha?
- Identify months, days, and seasons
- Tell the date
- Understand spoken dates
2-3 ¿A qué hora es tu primera clase?
- Form numbers up to 100
- Recognize times of day
- Use numbers and time-related vocabulary to tell time
- Recognize and understand spoken time
- La hora
- Verbos tener y venir
2-4 ¿Tienes otras actividades en la universidad?
- Recognize and understand the use of the irregular verbs “tener” and “venir”
- Recognize the subject of a sentence (personal pronoun) based on the conjugation of “tener” and “venir”
- Use tener + que + infinitive to describe things one has to do
- Verbos tener y venir
- Tener + que + infinitive
2-5 Cultura: La universidad
- Learn about some universities in the Spanish-speaking world
U3 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
3-1 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?
- Describe the weather
- Understand spoken descriptions of the weather
3-2 ¿Es una rosa roja o blanca?
- Describe things using the correct position, gender and number of adjectives
- Describe the color of things
- Identify things based on spoken descriptions
- Concordancia de adjetivos
3-3 ¿Qué ropa llevas?
- Recognize and describe articles of clothing
- Identify articles of clothing based on spoken descriptions
- Form numbers past 100
- La ropa
- Los números 101-1000
3-4 ¿Qué aprendemos ahora?
- Identify the correct conjugation of verbs in the present tense that end in -er & -ir
- Use verbs in the present tense that end in -er & -ir to describe everyday activities
- Recognize the subject of a sentence based on the conjugation of verbs ending in -er and -ir
- Verbos regulares de -er/-ir
3-5 Cultura: El Camino de Santiago
- Learn about the Catholic pilgrimage tradition through northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela
U4 ¿Cómo son las personas de tu familia?
4-1 ¿Tienes una familia grande?
- Indicate possession with ser + de
- Indicate possession with possessive adjectives
- understand spoken information about the members of a family
- Use family vocabulary to describe members of a family
4-2 Tengo que decidir mi futuro
- Describe people using physical and mental adjectives
- Identify people based on spoken descriptions
- Ask and answer questions with ¿cuántos y quién(es)?
- Use adjectives of nationality to describe people
- Adjetivos descriptivos
- Los países, las nacionalidades y más
4-3 ¿Cuál es la profesión de …?
- Talk about your profession and the professions of others
- use gustar+infinitive to express what you and others like to do
- comprehend spoken sentences expressing what someone likes to do
4-4 En la Casa
- Identify rooms and furniture in the home
- Use the verb estar to signify location
- Use the prepositions of location to describe where things and people are located in a house
- Identify locations from spoken text.
4-5 Cultura: Fiestas en la familia y cultura hispana
- Learn about some typical family celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world
Unidad 5: ¿Qué te gusta comer?
5-1 ¿Adónde vas?
- Identify places in the community
- Understand and use the irregular verb “ir” to talk about going to places
- Identify where people are going based on spoken text
- El verbo ir
- Contracciónes
- Cuándo
5-2 ¿Adónde vas a ir este fin de semana?
- Use the infinitive after “ir” + “a” to talk about plans and future events
- Distinguish the use of “ir” with destinations and the use of “ir” with infinitives
- Identify plans and future events from spoken text
5-3 ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?
- Identify vocabulary relating to foods, cooking and eating
- Use the correct pronouns and correct forms of “gustar” to say what things you and others like and don’t like
- Distinguish what things are pleasing to different people based on spoken text
5-4 ¿Tienes hambre? ¿Puedes cocinar?
- Understand and use o-ue, e-ie, and e-i stem-changing verbs
- Use “querer” and “gustar” to explain your wants and likes
- Understand and answer spoken questions using stem-changing verbs
5-5 Cultura: Las comidas típicas y rápidas
- Learn about some typical dishes of the Spanish-speaking World
Unidad 6: ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo estás?
6-1 ¿Cómo estás?
- Identify adjectives of condition and emotion
- Use “estar” with adjectives to describe conditions and emotions
- Give an appropriate response to someone’s condition or emotion
- Describe conditions and emotions based on audio/visual prompts
- Adjetivos de emoción y condición
6-2 ¿Estás estudiando ahora?
- Use the present progressive to talk about actions ongoing in the present moment
- Review and practice use of all question-words
- Estar con el presente progresivo
- Todas las preguntas
6-3 ¿Qué te gusta hacer?
- Identify verbs and nouns related to pastimes, sports and other activities
- Use “gustar” with nouns and verbs to talk about pastimes, sports and other activities
- Understand spoken statements about pastimes, sports and other activities
- Distinguish the different ways to say “to be” in Spanish
- Vocabulario de los pasatiempos
6-4 Salgo los sábados y hago tareas los domingos
- Understand and use verbs that have irregularities in the “yo” form
- Distinguish between what you know and what you are familiar with
- Understand spoken sentences using irregular verbs.
- Irregulares con yo
- Saber vs Conocer
6-5 Cultura: El fútbol y el dominó
- Learn about some important pastimes and sports in the Spanish-speaking world