Learning Outcomes

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The content, assignments, and assessments for Spanish 1 are aligned to the following learning outcomes.

Unidad 1: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo te llamas?

1-1 Encantado

  1. Identify and use common greetings and goodbyes
  2. Identify appropriate responses to spoken greetings and goodbyes.
  3. Identify formal and informal greetings
  4. Recognize the sounds of letters in Spanish


  • Saludos y despedidas
  • Alfabeto

1-2 ¿Eres estudiante?

  1. Change personal nouns into subject pronouns
  2. Identify the correct conjugations of the verb ser (to be)
  3. Use the verb ser to give and ask for more personal information


  • Pronombres


  • Verbo ser

1-3 ¿Qué hay en la clase?

  1. Identify objects in the classroom
  2. Identify the gender of nouns
  3. Change nouns from singular to plural
  4. Form numbers up to 30
  5. Write the numbers that you hear


  • Vocabulario del aula


  • Artículos indefinidos y definidos
  • Verbo hay

1-4 ¿Hay estudiantes en la clase?

  1. Select the appropriate definite or indefinite article for the context
  2. Identify whether there is or there are different items based on spoken questions
  3. Form yes/no questions
  4. Answer yes/no questions


  • Preguntas con Sí/No

1-5 Cultura: Los Hispanos en Los Estados Unidos

  • Read a short passage to identify information about hispanic culture in the United States

Unidad 2: ¿Qué clases tomas?

2-1 ¿Cuál es tu clase favorita?

  1. Recognize and identify locations and courses at the university
  2. Identify the correct conjugated forms of verbs in the present tense that end in –ar
  3. Use verbs in the present tense that end in –ar to describe everyday activities
  4. Recognize the subject of a sentence (personal pronoun) based on verb conjugation (with -ar verbs)
  5. Ask and answer questions with ¿qué/cuál?


  • La universidad


  • Verbos regulares con –AR
  • Preguntas con “¿qué?” y “¿cuál?”

2-2 ¿Cuál es la fecha?

  1. Identify months, days, and seasons
  2. Tell the date
  3. Understand spoken dates


  • Días y meses


  • La fecha

2-3 ¿A qué hora es tu primera clase?

  1. Form numbers up to 100
  2. Recognize times of day
  3. Use numbers and time-related vocabulary to tell time
  4. Recognize and understand spoken time


  • Números 30-100


  • La hora
  • Verbos tener y venir

2-4 ¿Tienes otras actividades en la universidad?

  1. Recognize and understand the use of the irregular verbs “tener” and “venir”
  2. Recognize the subject of a sentence (personal pronoun) based on the conjugation of “tener” and “venir”
  3. Use tener + que + infinitive to describe things one has to do


  • Verbos tener y venir
  • Tener + que + infinitive

2-5 Cultura: La universidad

  • Learn about some universities in the Spanish-speaking world

U3 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?

3-1 ¿Qué tiempo hace hoy?

  1. Describe the weather
  2. Understand spoken descriptions of the weather


  • El Clima

3-2 ¿Es una rosa roja o blanca?

  1. Describe things using the correct position, gender and number of adjectives
  2. Describe the color of things
  3. Identify things based on spoken descriptions


  • Los colores


  • Concordancia de adjetivos

3-3 ¿Qué ropa llevas?

  1. Recognize and describe articles of clothing
  2. Identify articles of clothing based on spoken descriptions
  3. Form numbers past 100


  • La ropa
  • Los números 101-1000

3-4 ¿Qué aprendemos ahora?

  1. Identify the correct conjugation of verbs in the present tense that end in -er & -ir
  2. Use verbs in the present tense that end in -er & -ir to describe everyday activities
  3. Recognize the subject of a sentence based on the conjugation of verbs ending in -er and -ir


  • Verbos regulares de -er/-ir

3-5 Cultura: El Camino de Santiago

  • Learn about the Catholic pilgrimage tradition through northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela

U4 ¿Cómo son las personas de tu familia?

4-1 ¿Tienes una familia grande?

  1. Indicate possession with ser + de
  2. Indicate possession with possessive adjectives
  3. understand spoken information about the members of a family
  4. Use family vocabulary to describe members of a family


  • La familia


  • Los posesivos

4-2 Tengo que decidir mi futuro

  1. Describe people using physical and mental adjectives
  2. Identify people based on spoken descriptions
  3. Ask and answer questions with ¿cuántos y quién(es)?
  4. Use adjectives of nationality to describe people


  • Adjetivos descriptivos
  • Los países, las nacionalidades y más


  • ¿Cuánto(s) y quién(es)?

4-3 ¿Cuál es la profesión de …?

  1. Talk about your profession and the professions of others
  2. use gustar+infinitive to express what you and others like to do
  3. comprehend spoken sentences expressing what someone likes to do


  • Profesiones


  • Gustar + infinitive

4-4 En la Casa

  1. Identify rooms and furniture in the home
  2. Use the verb estar to signify location
  3. Use the prepositions of location to describe where things and people are located in a house
  4. Identify locations from spoken text.


  • En la casa


  • Estar

4-5 Cultura: Fiestas en la familia y cultura hispana

  • Learn about some typical family celebrations in the Spanish-speaking world

Unidad 5: ¿Qué te gusta comer?

5-1 ¿Adónde vas?

  • Identify places in the community
  • Understand and use the irregular verb “ir” to talk about going to places
  • Identify where people are going based on spoken text


  • Lugares en la comunidad


  • El verbo ir
  • Contracciónes
  • Cuándo

5-2 ¿Adónde vas a ir este fin de semana?

  • Use the infinitive after “ir” + “a” to talk about plans and future events
  • Distinguish the use of “ir” with destinations and the use of “ir” with infinitives
  • Identify plans and future events from spoken text


  • Ir + a + infinitivo

5-3 ¿Cuál es tu comida favorita?

  • Identify vocabulary relating to foods, cooking and eating
  • Use the correct pronouns and correct forms of “gustar” to say what things you and others like and don’t like
  • Distinguish what things are pleasing to different people based on spoken text


  • Comida


  • Gustar + nouns

5-4 ¿Tienes hambre? ¿Puedes cocinar?

  • Understand and use o-ue, e-ie, and e-i stem-changing verbs
  • Use “querer” and “gustar” to explain your wants and likes
  • Understand and answer spoken questions using stem-changing verbs


  • Stem-changing verbs

5-5 Cultura: Las comidas típicas y rápidas

  • Learn about some typical dishes of the Spanish-speaking World

Unidad 6: ¿Cómo eres? ¿Cómo estás?

6-1 ¿Cómo estás?

  • Identify adjectives of condition and emotion
  • Use “estar” with adjectives to describe conditions and emotions
  • Give an appropriate response to someone’s condition or emotion
  • Describe conditions and emotions based on audio/visual prompts


  • Adjetivos de emoción y condición


  • Estar con emociones

6-2 ¿Estás estudiando ahora?

  • Use the present progressive to talk about actions ongoing in the present moment
  • Review and practice use of all question-words


  • Estar con el presente progresivo
  • Todas las preguntas

6-3 ¿Qué te gusta hacer?

  • Identify verbs and nouns related to pastimes, sports and other activities
  • Use “gustar” with nouns and verbs to talk about pastimes, sports and other activities
  • Understand spoken statements about pastimes, sports and other activities
  • Distinguish the different ways to say “to be” in Spanish


  • Vocabulario de los pasatiempos


  • To be en español

6-4 Salgo los sábados y hago tareas los domingos

  • Understand and use verbs that have irregularities in the “yo” form
  • Distinguish between what you know and what you are familiar with
  • Understand spoken sentences using irregular verbs.


  • Irregulares con yo
  • Saber vs Conocer

6-5 Cultura: El fútbol y el dominó

  • Learn about some important pastimes and sports in the Spanish-speaking world


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