Click on each link below for a review summary to help you complete the assignments and prepare for the quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the objectives.
Vocabulario: Partes del cuerpo
La cara y la cabeza
- la frente (forehead)
- la piel (skin)
- los ojos (eyes)
- la nariz (nose)
- la boca (mouth)
- los dientes (teeth)
- los labios (lips)
- la lengua (tongue)
- el oído (ear [inside])
- la oreja (ear [outside])
- el cerebro (brain)
- el cuello (neck)
El torso y las extremidades
- la espalda (back)
- el pecho (chest)
- el estómago (stomach)
- las piernas (legs)
- los pies (feet)
- las manos (hands)
- los dedos (de las manos) (fingers)
- los dedos de los pies (toes)
- los brazos (arms)
- los huesos (bones)
- los músculos (muscles)
Los verbos reflexivos
despertarse (wake up)
levantarse (get up)
arreglarse (to get ready/ready oneself)
Otros verbos reflexivos
acostarse (lie down),
relajarse (to relax)
cansarse (to get tired)
olvidarse (to forget)
The following are some more common reflexive verbs and their non-reflexive equivalents:
Forma reflexiva | Forma no reflexiva |
afeitarse (to shave oneself) | afeitar (to shave someone or something) |
arreglarse (to get ready/ready oneself) | arreglar (to arrange someone or something) |
bañarse (to bathe oneself) | bañar (to bathe someone or something) |
caerse (to fall down) | caer (to fall, go down) |
cepillarse (to brush oneself) | cepillar (to brush someone or something) |
ducharse (to shower oneself/take a shower) | duchar (to shower/give someone a shower) |
irse (to go away, to leave) | ir (to go) |
lastimarse (to hurt oneself) | lastimar (to hurt someone or something) |
lavarse (to wash oneself) | lavar (to wash someone or something) |
levantarse (to get up) | levantar (to lift someone or something) |
llamarse (to be called, named) | llamar (to call someone or something) |
maquillarse (to put make-up on oneself) | maquillar (to put make-up on someone else) |
ponerse (to put on) | poner (to put) |
probarse (to try on) | probar (to try, to taste) |
quemarse (to burn oneself) | quemar (to burn someone or something) |
quitarse (to take off, e.g. clothing) | quitar (to take away from someone or something) |
relajarse (to relax oneself) | relajar (to relax someone or something) |
Adverbios de frecuencia
Con frecuencia | Sin frecuencia |
usualmente, constantemente | nunca, jamás |
generalmente, por lo general | rara vez, pocas veces, poco |
a menudo, regularmente | a veces, casi nunca, de vez en cuando |
cada semana, semanalmente | apenas (hardly ever) |
todos los días, diariamente | por lo menos |
muchas veces, bastante, mucho | |
siempre |