Vocabulario: Enfermedad y salud


Recognize vocabulary related to illness and health

Enfermedad y salud

Play AudioLas enfermedades comunes y condiciones delicadas de salud del diario vivir


la hinchazón (swelling)

photo of a scraped knee with bandage

la raspadura (scrape)


la herida (wound)

Scars on an arm

la cicatriz (scar)

Play AudioAlgunos verbos usados en el tema de la salud.


lastimarse (to injure oneself)

Detail from painting of woman swooning (fainting)

desmayarse (to faint)

Dog with a plastic head cone (to help recuperation)

recuperarse (to recuperate)

Foot pain

doler (o < ue) (similar usage as “gustar”, e.g. A José le duelen los pies = José’s feet hurt.)

Condiciones físicas y psicológicas de cuidado

man holding his jaw

tener un dolor de muela (to have a toothache)

picture of trees with spinning effect

estar mareado/a (to be dizzy)

Play AudioEn el consultorio médico y las emergencias en el hospital

doctor writing prescription

la receta médica (prescription)

Man wearing bandage having just had a vaccine shot

la vacuna (vaccine)


el cirujano/ la cirujana

picture of a nurse with a patient

el enfermero / la enfermera

Otras palabras

magnified blood cells

la sangre (blood)

Picture of a health insurance card

el seguro de salud (health insurance)