Vocabulario: Las profesiones


  • Talk about your profession and the professions of others



lawyer Play AudioEl abogado / La abogada (lawyer)

Generic icon of a person on a red carpet waving Play AudioEl actor / La actriz

Icon of a person vacuuming, green in colorPlay AudioLa ama de casa

Icon of a person holding a tray of drink, standing in front of an airplane, green in color Play AudioEl asistente de vuelo / La asistente de vuelo

firefighter El bombero/ la bombera

Icon of a person holding a microphone stand and singing, green in color Play AudioEl cantante / La cantante

Icon of a person in a lab coat holding a beaker, green in color Play AudioEl científico / La científica

Icon of a person wearing a chef uniform holding a spoon and food tray, green in color Play AudioEl cocinero / La cocinera

Icon of a person kicking a soccer ball, green in color Play AudioEl deportista / La deportista

Icon of a person holding measuring tape looking at a mannequin torso, green in color Play AudioEl diseñador / La diseñadora

Icon of a person wearing a nurse's cap holding a giant syringe, green in colorPlay AudioEl enfermero / La enfermera

Icon of a person sitting behind a typewriter, throwing wads of paper into a small trash can, green in color Play AudioEl escritor / La escritora

farmer El granjero/ La granjera

Icon of a person wearing a hard hat and collared shirt, green in colorPlay AudioEl ingeniero / La ingeniera

Icon of person wearing a tie, sitting in a large chair with leg up, green in color Play AudioEl jefe / La jefa (boss)

Icon of a person standing at a board teaching with 3 students watching, green in color Play AudioEl maestro / La maestra

Icon of a person looking under the hood of a car, green in colorPlay AudioEl mecánico / La mecánica

Icon of a woman with a stethoscope around her neck, green in color Play AudioEl médico / La médica

Icon of a person in a tux holding a tray of drink, green in color Play AudioEl mesero / La mesera

Icon of a person posing, green in color Play AudioEl modelo / La modelo

Icon of a person playing a guitar, green in color Play AudioEl músico / La música

Icon of a man wearing an old journalist hat, green in color Play AudioEl periodista / La periodista

Icon of a person in an old pilot helmet with goggles, green in color Play AudioEl piloto / La piloto

Icon of a woman holding a paintbrush, green in color Play AudioEl pintor / La pintora

Hair stylist El peluquero/ La peluquera

Icon of a person on a couch talking, and another sitting and listening, green in color Play AudioEl psicólogo / La psicóloga

Icon of a person behind a counter with a customer in front of the counter, green in color Play AudioEl secretario / La secretaria

Icon of a person with hands surrounding them, green in color Play AudioEl trabajador social / La trabajadora social

Icon of a person and a dog on a table, green in color Play AudioEl veterinario / La veterinaria


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