Learning Objectives
- Explain the difference between the spoils system and civil service, and discuss the importance of this issue during the Gilded Age
Once elected, presidents had barely enough power to repay the political favors they owed to the individuals who ensured their narrow victories in cities and regions around the country. Upon his election to the presidency in 1888, Benjamin Harrison remarked to his ally Mark Hanna that “providence has given us the victory.” Hanna thereafter muttered to a crony, “Providence hadn’t a damn thing to do with it. A number of men were compelled to approach the penitentiary to make him president.”[1] Their four years in office were spent repaying favors and managing the powerful relationships that put them in the White House. Everyday Americans were largely left on their own. Among the few political issues that presidents routinely addressed during this era were ones of patronage, tariffs, and the nation’s monetary system.

Figure 1. This political cartoon shows Andrew Jackson riding a pig, which is walking over “fraud,” “bribery,” and “spoils,” and feeding on “plunder.”
Patronage: The Spoils System vs. Civil Service
At the heart of each president’s administration was the protection of the spoils system, that is, the power of the president to practice widespread political patronage. Patronage, in this case, took the form of the president naming his friends and supporters to various political posts. Given the close calls in presidential elections during the era, the maintenance of political machinery and repaying favors with patronage was important to all presidents, regardless of party affiliation. This had been the case since the advent of a two-party political system and universal male suffrage in the Jacksonian era. For example, upon assuming office in March 1829, President Jackson immediately swept employees from over nine hundred political offices, amounting to 10 percent of all federal appointments. Among the hardest hit was the U.S. Postal Service, which saw Jackson appoint his supporters and closest friends to over four hundred positions in the service.
As can be seen in the table below, every single president elected from 1876 through 1892 won despite receiving less than 50 percent of the popular vote. This established a repetitive cycle of relatively weak presidents who owed many political favors, which could be repaid through one prerogative power: patronage. As a result, the spoils system allowed those with political influence to ascend to powerful positions within the government, regardless of their level of experience or skill, thus compounding both the inefficiency of government as well as enhancing the opportunities for corruption.
Year | Candidates | Popular Vote | Percentage | Electoral Vote |
1876 | Rutherford B. Hayes | 4,034,132 | 47.9% | 185 |
Samuel Tilden | 4,286,808 | 50.9% | 184 | |
Others | 97,709 | 1.2% | 0 | |
1880 | James Garfield | 4,453,337 | 48.3% | 214 |
Winfield Hancock | 4,444,267 | 48.2% | 155 | |
Others | 319,806 | 3.5% | 0 | |
1884 | Grover Cleveland | 4,914,482 | 48.8% | 219 |
James Blaine | 4,856,903 | 48.3% | 182 | |
Others | 288,660 | 2.9% | 0 | |
1888 | Benjamin Harrison | 5,443,663 | 47.8% | 233 |
Grover Cleveland | 5,538,163 | 48.6% | 168 | |
Others | 407,050 | 3.6% | 0 | |
1892 | Grover Cleveland | 5,553,898 | 46.0% | 277 |
Benjamin Harrison | 5,190,799 | 43.0% | 145 | |
Others | 1,323,330 | 11.0% | 22 | |
1896 | William McKinley | 7,112,138 | 51.0% | 271 |
William Jennings Bryan | 6,510,807 | 46.7% | 176 | |
Others | 315,729 | 2.3% | 0 |
Hayes and the Difficulty of Reform
At the same time, a movement emerged in support of reforming the practice of political appointments. As early as 1872, civil service reformers gathered to create the Liberal Republican Party in an effort to unseat incumbent President Grant. Led by several midwestern Republican leaders and newspaper editors, this reform-minded splinter party actually joined forces with the Democrats for that election. The strangeness of this collaboration was highlighted in the choice of Horace Greeley—an ardent abolitionist and frequent critic of the Democrats—as the nominee. The party called for a “thorough reform of the civil service as one the most pressing necessities” facing the nation. Although easily defeated in the election that followed, the work of the Liberal Republican Party set the stage for an even stronger push for patronage reform.

Figure 2. This cartoon shows Roscoe Conkling playing a popular puzzle game of the day with the heads of potential Republican presidential candidates, illustrating his control over the picks of the party.
Although personally honest, Hayes was ill-prepared to clean house, despite his own stated preference for a new civil service system. His own narrow victory indebted him to Republican Party operatives who made his victory possible. Two such Republicans attempted to use this leverage to control the president. The first was Roscoe Conkling, a Republican senator from New York and leader of the Stalwarts, a group that made frequent and unapologetic use of the current spoils system. As a faithful supporter of former President Grant, Conkling had no sympathy for some of Hayes’ early appeals for civil service reform. The other was James G. Blaine, a Republican senator from Maine and leader of the Half-Breeds. The Half-Breeds, who received their derogatory nickname from Stalwart supporters who considered Blaine’s group to be only “half-Republican,” advocated for some measure of civil service reform.
Civil Service Reform
With his efforts towards ensuring African American civil rights stymied by a Democratic Congress, and his decision to halt the coinage of silver adding to the pressures of the economic Panic of 1873, Hayes failed to achieve any significant legislation during his presidency. However, he did make a few overtures toward civil service reform.
First, he adopted a new patronage rule, which held that a person appointed to an office could be dismissed only in the interest of efficient government operation but not for overtly political reasons. Second, he declared that party leaders could have no official say in political appointments, although Conkling sought to continue his influence. Finally, he decided that government appointees were ineligible to manage election campaigns. Although not sweeping reforms, these were steps in a civil service direction.
Hayes’ first target in his meager reform effort was to remove Chester A. Arthur, a strong Conkling man, from his post as head of the New York City Customs House. Arthur had been notorious for using his post as customs collector to gain political favors for Conkling. When Hayes forcibly removed him from the position, even Half-Breeds questioned the wisdom of the move and began to distance themselves from Hayes. Hayes had already committed to serving only one term. As his political support ebbed and as Southern Democrats took control of state governments, the major issues of his time in office remained unresolved.
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Review Question
patronage: a presidential practice, begun by Andrew Jackson, of dispensing federal offices as a reward to one’s supporters
Half-Breeds: the group of Republicans led by James G. Blaine, named because they supported some measure of civil service reform and were thus considered to be only “half Republican”
Stalwarts: the group of Republicans led by Roscoe Conkling who strongly supported the continuation of the patronage system
Candela Citations
- Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by: Mark Lempke for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- US History. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: http://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/us-history. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
- Heather Cox Richardson, To Make Men Free: A History of the Republican Party. New York: Basic Books, 2014, 123. ↵