Learning Objectives
- Explain Herbert Hoover’s responses to the Great Depression and how they reflected his political philosophy
- Identify and describe the outcomes and results of the local, city, and state efforts to combat the Great Depression
The Initial Reaction
In the immediate aftermath of Black Tuesday, Hoover sought to reassure Americans that all was well. Reading his words after the fact, it is easy to find fault. In 1929 he said, “Any lack of confidence in the economic future or the strength of business in the United States is foolish.” In 1930, he stated, “The worst is behind us.” In 1931, he pledged federal aid should he ever witness starvation in the country; but as of that date, he had yet to see such need in America. This was despite the very real evidence that children and the elderly were starving to death. Yet Hoover was neither intentionally blind nor unsympathetic. He simply held fast to a belief system that did not change as the realities of the Great Depression set in.
Hoover and American Individualism
Hoover believed strongly in the ethos of American individualism: that hard work brought its own rewards. His life story testified to that belief. Hoover was born into poverty, made his way through college at Stanford University, and eventually made his fortune as an engineer. This experience, as well as his extensive travels in China and throughout Europe, shaped his fundamental conviction that the very existence of American civilization depended upon the moral fiber of its citizens, as evidenced by their ability to overcome all hardships through individual effort and resolve. In a 1931 radio address, he claimed, “The spread of government destroys initiative and thus destroys character.”

Figure 1. Farmer in 1932. The policies enacted by President Hoover did not provide direct relief for those most impacted by the economic downturn of the 1930s.
Likewise, Hoover was not completely unaware of the potential harm that wild stock speculation might create if left unchecked. As secretary of commerce, he often warned President Coolidge of the dangers that such economic risks engendered. In the weeks before his inauguration, he offered many interviews to newspapers and magazines, urging Americans to curtail their rampant stock investments, and even encouraged the Federal Reserve to raise the discount rate to make it more costly for local banks to lend money to potential speculators. However, fearful of creating a panic, Hoover never issued a stern warning to discourage Americans from such investments. Neither Hoover, nor any other politician of that day, ever gave serious thought to outright government regulation of the stock market. This was even true in his personal life, as Hoover often lamented the poor stock advice he had once offered to a friend. When the stock nose-dived, Hoover bought the shares from his friend to assuage his guilt, vowing never again to advise anyone on investment matters.
In keeping with these principles, Hoover’s response to the crash focused on two very common American traditions: he asked individuals to tighten their belts and work harder, and he asked the business community to voluntarily help sustain the economy by retaining workers and continuing production. He immediately summoned a conference of leading industrialists to meet in Washington, D.C., urging them to maintain their current wages while America rode out this brief economic panic. The crash, he assured business leaders, was not part of a greater downturn; they had nothing to worry about. Similar meetings with utility companies and railroad executives elicited promises for billions of dollars in new construction projects, while labor leaders agreed to withhold demands for wage increases and workers continued to labor. Hoover also persuaded Congress to pass a $160 million tax cut to bolster American incomes, leading many to conclude that the president was doing all he could to stem the tide of the panic. In April 1930, the New York Times editorial board concluded that “No one in his place could have done more.”
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The President’s Emergency Committee for Employment
However, these modest steps were not enough. By late 1931, when it became clear that the economy would not improve on its own, Hoover recognized the need for some government intervention. He created the President’s Emergency Committee for Employment (PECE), later renamed the President’s Organization of Unemployment Relief (POUR). In keeping with Hoover’s distaste for what he viewed as handouts, this organization did not provide direct federal relief to people in need. Instead, it assisted state and private relief agencies, such as the Red Cross, Salvation Army, YMCA, and Community Chest. Hoover also strongly urged people of means to donate funds to help the poor, and he himself gave significant private donations to worthy causes. But these piecemeal individual efforts could not alleviate the widespread effects of poverty.
The Federal Emergency Relief Bill
Congress pushed for a more direct government response to the hardship. In 1930–1931, it attempted to pass a $60 million bill to provide relief to drought victims by allowing them access to food, fertilizer, and animal feed. Hoover stood fast in his refusal to provide food, resisting any element of direct relief. The final bill of $47 million provided for everything except food, and did not come close to adequately addressing the crisis. Again in 1931, Congress proposed the Federal Emergency Relief Bill, which would have allotted $375 million to states to help provide food, clothing, and shelter to those experiencing homelessness. But Hoover opposed the bill, stating that it upset the balance of power between states and the federal government, and in February 1932, it was defeated by fourteen votes.
However, the president’s adamant opposition to direct-relief federal government programs should not be viewed as one of indifference toward the suffering American people. His personal sympathy for those in need was often evident. Hoover was one of only two presidents to reject his salary for the office he held. Throughout the Great Depression, he donated an average of $25,000 annually to various relief organizations to assist in their efforts. Furthermore, he helped raise $500,000 in private funds to support the White House Conference on Child Health and Welfare in 1930. Rather than indifference or heartlessness, Hoover’s stubborn adherence to an optimistic philosophy of individualism as the path toward long-term American recovery explained many of his policy decisions. However, personal convictions and voluntary charity aside, it soon became clear that broader government assistance would be needed to address the structural dislocations caused by the Great Depression.
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The Reconstruction Finance Corporation
As conditions worsened, however, Hoover eventually relaxed his opposition to federal relief and formed the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) in 1932, in part because it was an election year and Hoover hoped to keep his office. Although not a form of direct relief to the American people in greatest need, the RFC was much larger in scope than any preceding effort, setting aside $2 billion in taxpayer money to rescue banks, credit unions, and insurance companies. The goal was to boost confidence in the nation’s financial institutions by ensuring that they were on solid footing. This model was flawed on a number of levels. First, the program only lent money to banks with sufficient collateral, which meant that most of the aid went to large banks. In fact, of the first $61 million loaned, $41 million went to just three banks. Small town and rural banks got almost nothing. Furthermore, at this time, confidence in financial institutions was not the primary concern of most Americans. They needed food and jobs. Many had no money to put into the banks, no matter how confident they were that the banks were safe.
Hoover’s other attempt at federal assistance also occurred in 1932, when he endorsed a bill by Senator Robert Wagner of New York. This was the Emergency Relief and Construction Act. This act authorized the RFC to expand beyond loans to financial institutions and allotted $1.5 billion to states to fund local public works projects. This program failed to deliver the kind of help needed, however, as Hoover severely limited the types of projects it could fund to those that were ultimately self-paying (such as toll bridges and public housing) and those that required skilled workers. While well intended, these programs maintained the status quo, and there was still no direct federal relief to the individuals who so desperately needed it.
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Review Question
What attempts did Hoover make to offer federal relief? How would you evaluate the success or failure of these programs?
American individualism: the belief, strongly held by Herbert Hoover and others, that hard work and individual effort, absent government assistance, comprised the formula for success in the U.S.
Federal Emergency Relief Bill: a bill proposed by Congress in 1931 for $375 million to states to help provide food, clothing, and shelter to the homeless. The bill was vetoed by President Hoover.
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC): program established by Hoover in 1932 which set aside $2 billion in taxpayer money to rescue banks, credit unions, and insurance companies
Candela Citations
- Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by: Caileigh Abente for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- US History. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: http://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/us-history. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
- The Great Depression. Provided by: The American Yawp. Located at: http://www.americanyawp.com/text/23-the-great-depression/. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- III. Herbert Hoover and the Politics of the Depression. Provided by: The American Yawp. Located at: https://www.americanyawp.com/text/23-the-great-depression/#III_Herbert_Hoover_and_the_Politics_of_the_Depression. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- Farmer in despair over the depression in 1932. Provided by: US National Archives. Located at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Farmer_in_despair_over_the_depression_in_1932._-_NARA_-_512819.jpg. License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright