Learning OBjectives
- Analyze the frustration and anger that a majority of Americans directed at Herbert Hoover
Public Reaction to Hoover
Hoover’s steadfast resistance to government aid cost him reelection and has placed him squarely at the forefront of the most unpopular presidents, according to public opinion, in modern American history. His name became synonymous with the poverty of the era: Hoovervilles became the common name for shantytowns occupied by those experiencing homelessness, and “Hoover blankets” for the newspapers they used to keep warm. A “Hoover flag” was a pants pocket—empty of all money—turned inside out. By the 1932 election, hitchhikers held up signs reading: “If you don’t give me a ride, I’ll vote for Hoover.” Americans did not necessarily believe that Hoover caused the Great Depression. Their anger stemmed instead from what appeared to be a willful refusal to help regular citizens with direct aid that might allow them to recover from the crisis.

Figure 1. Hoover became one of the least popular presidents in history. “Hoovervilles,” or shantytowns, were a negative reminder of his role in the nation’s financial crisis. This family (a) lived in a “Hooverville” in Elm Grove, Oklahoma. This shanty (b) was one of many making up a “Hooverville” in the Portland, Oregon area. (credit: modification of work by United States Farm Security Administration)
Frustration and Protest: A Bad Situation Grows Worse for Hoover
Desperation and frustration often create emotional responses, and the Great Depression was no exception. Throughout 1931–1932, companies trying to stay afloat sharply cut wages, and in response, workers protested through increasingly bitter strikes. As the Depression unfolded, over 80 percent of automotive workers lost their jobs. Even the typically prosperous Ford Motor Company laid off two-thirds of its workforce.
The Ford Hunger March
In 1932, a major strike at the Ford Motor Company factory near Detroit resulted in over sixty injuries and four deaths. Often referred to as the Ford Hunger March, the event unfolded as a planned demonstration among unemployed Ford workers who, to protest their desperate situation, marched nine miles from Detroit to the company’s River Rouge plant in Dearborn. At the Dearborn city limits, local police launched tear gas at the roughly three thousand protestors, who responded by throwing stones and clods of dirt. When they finally reached the gates of the plant, protestors faced more police and firemen, as well as private security guards. As the firemen turned hoses onto the protestors, the police and security guards opened fire. In addition to those killed and injured, police arrested fifty protestors. One week later, sixty thousand mourners attended the public funerals of the four victims of what many protesters labeled police brutality. The event set the tone for worsening labor relations in the U.S.
The Farmers’ Holiday Association
Farmers also organized and protested, often violently. The most notable example was the Farmers’ Holiday Association. Led by Milo Reno, this organization held significant sway among farmers in Iowa, Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and the Dakotas. Although they never comprised a majority of farmers in any of these states, their public actions drew press attention nationwide. Among their demands, the association sought a federal government plan to set agricultural prices artificially high enough to cover the farmers’ costs, as well as a government commitment to sell any farm surpluses on the world market. To achieve their goals, the group called for farm holidays, during which farmers would neither sell their produce nor purchase any other goods until the government met their demands. However, the greatest strength of the association came from the unexpected and seldom-planned actions of its members, which included barricading roads into markets, attacking nonmember farmers, and destroying their produce. Some members even raided small town stores, destroying produce on the shelves. Members also engaged in “penny auctions,” bidding pennies on foreclosed farm land and threatening any potential buyers with bodily harm if they competed in the sale. Once they won the auction, the association returned the land to the original owner. In Iowa, farmers threatened to hang a local judge if he signed any more farm foreclosures. At least one death occurred as a direct result of these protests before they waned following the election of Franklin Roosevelt.
The Bonus Army

Figure 2. In the spring of 1932, World War I veterans marched on Washington and set up camps in Anacostia Flats, remaining there for weeks. (credit: Library of Congress)
One of the most notable protest movements occurred toward the end of Hoover’s presidency and centered on the Bonus Expeditionary Force, or Bonus Army, in the spring of 1932. More than fifteen thousand unemployed veterans and their families converged on Washington, D.C. to petition for a bill authorizing immediate payment of cash bonuses to veterans of World War I that were originally scheduled to be paid out in 1945. Given the economic hardships facing the country, the bonus came to symbolize government relief for the most deserving recipients. The veterans in D.C. erected a tent city across the Potomac River in Anacostia Flats, a “Hooverville” in the spirit of the camps of the unhoused and unemployed Americans then appearing in American cities. Calling themselves the Bonus Expeditionary Force, or the Bonus Army, they drilled and marched and demonstrated for their bonuses. “While there were billions for bankers, there was nothing for the poor,” they complained.
Concerned about what immediate payment would do to the federal budget, Hoover opposed the bill, which was eventually voted down by the Senate. While most of the Bonus Army left Washington in defeat, many stayed to press their case. Hoover called the remaining veterans “insurrectionists” and ordered them to leave, fearing an uprising. When thousands failed to heed the order, General Douglas MacArthur, accompanied by his aides, Dwight Eisenhower and George Patton, local police, infantry, cavalry, tanks, and a machine gun squadron, stormed the tent city and routed the Bonus Army. Troops chased down men and women, tear-gassed children, and torched the shantytown. Two marchers were shot and killed and a baby was killed when accidentally struck by a tear gas canister.

Figure 3. When the U.S. Senate denied early payment of their veteran bonuses, and Hoover ordered their makeshift camps cleared, the Bonus Army protest turned violent, cementing Hoover’s demise as a president. (credit: U.S. Department of Defense)
As Americans bore witness to photographs and newsreels of the U.S. Army forcibly removing veterans, Hoover’s popularity plummeted even further. By the summer of 1932, he was largely a defeated man. His pessimism and failure mirrored that of the nation’s citizens. America was a country in desperate need of a charismatic leader who could restore public confidence and provide concrete solutions to pull the economy out of the Great Depression.
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Link to Learning
Whether he truly believed it or simply thought the American people wanted to hear it, Hoover continued to state publicly that the country was getting back on track. Listen as he speaks about the “Success of Recovery” at a campaign stop in Detroit, Michigan on October 22, 1932.
Watch It
The Great Depression may have started with the 1929 stock market crash, however, there were many underlying causes. This video breaks down the causes, effects, and outcomes of the Great Depression.
You can view the transcript for “The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33” here (opens in new window).
Bonus Army: a group of World War I veterans and affiliated groups who marched to Washington in 1932 to demand their war bonuses early, only to be refused and forcibly removed by the U.S. Army
Hoovervilles: the name given to shantytowns where persons experiencing homelessness due to the Great Depression sometimes lived
Candela Citations
- License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright
- Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by: Caileigh Abente for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- US History. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: http://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/us-history. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
- The Great Depression. Provided by: The American Yawp. Located at: http://www.americanyawp.com/text/23-the-great-depression/. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- III. Herbert Hoover and the Politics of the Depression. Provided by: The American Yawp. Located at: https://www.americanyawp.com/text/23-the-great-depression/#III_Herbert_Hoover_and_the_Politics_of_the_Depression. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- The Great Depression: Crash Course US History #33. Provided by: Crash Course. Located at: https://youtu.be/GCQfMWAikyU?t=1s. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License