Learning Objectives
- Analyze how the effects of WWII on the home front affected race relations in the United States
- Describe the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII
Social Tensions on the Home Front
The need for Americans to come together, whether in Hollywood, the defense industries, or the military, to support the war effort encouraged feelings of unity among the American population. However, the desire for unity did not always mean that Americans of color were treated as equals or even tolerated, despite their proclamations of patriotism and their willingness to join in the effort to defeat America’s enemies in Europe and Asia. For Black Americans, Mexican Americans, and especially for Japanese Americans, feelings of patriotism and willingness to serve one’s country both at home and abroad were not enough to guarantee equal treatment by White Americans or to prevent the U.S. government from regarding them as the enemy.
Black Americans and Double V
The Black community had, at the outset of the war, forged some promising relationships with the Roosevelt administration through civil rights activist Mary McLeod Bethune and Roosevelt’s “Black Cabinet” of Black advisors. Through the intervention of Eleanor Roosevelt, Bethune was appointed to the advisory council set up by the War Department Women’s Interest Section. In this position, Bethune was able to organize the first officer candidate school for women and enable Black women to become officers in the Women’s Auxiliary Corps.
As the U.S. economy revived on the strength of government defense contracts, Black Americans wanted to ensure that their service to the country earned them better opportunities and more equal treatment. Accordingly, in 1942, after Black labor leader A. Philip Randolph pressured Roosevelt with a threatened “March on Washington,” the president created, by Executive Order 8802, the Fair Employment Practices Committee. The purpose of this committee was to see that there was no discrimination in the defense industries. While they were effective in forcing defense contractors, such as the DuPont Corporation, to hire Black workers, they were not able to force corporations to place Black workers in well-paid positions. For example, at DuPont’s plutonium production plant in Hanford, Washington, Black Americans were hired as low-paid construction workers but not as laboratory technicians.
![A photograph shows five black men and a black woman participating in the Double V campaign. A young man sits at a typewriter, and the woman hands a man a pamphlet, the cover of which reads “This is a [Double V insignia] Home.” All wear armbands.](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/courses-images-archive-read-only/wp-content/uploads/sites/884/2015/08/23203225/CNX_History_27_02_DoubleV.jpg)
Figure 3. During World War II, Black Americans volunteered for government work just as White Americans did. These Washington, DC, residents have become civil defense workers as part of the Double V Campaign that called for victory at home and abroad.
CORE and the Double V Campaign
During the war, the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), founded by James Farmer in 1942, used peaceful civil disobedience in the form of sit-ins to desegregate certain public spaces in Washington, DC, and elsewhere, as its contribution to the war effort. Members of CORE sought support for their movement by stating that one of their goals was to deprive the enemy of the ability to generate anti-American propaganda by accusing the United States of racism. After all, they argued, if the United States were going to denounce Germany and Japan for abusing human rights, the country should itself be as exemplary as possible. Indeed, CORE’s actions were in keeping with the goals of the Double V Campaign that was begun in 1942 by the Pittsburgh Courier, the largest Black newspaper at the time. The campaign called upon Black Americans to accomplish the two “Vs”: victory over America’s foreign enemies and victory over racism in the United States.
Migration Patterns and Racial Violence
Despite the willingness of Black Americans to fight for the United States, racial tensions often erupted in violence, as the geographic relocation necessitated by the war brought Black Americans into closer contact with White people. There were race massacres (formerly known as race riots) in Detroit, Harlem, and Beaumont, Texas, in which White residents responded with sometimes deadly violence to their new Black coworkers or neighbors. There were also racial incidents at or near several military bases in the South. Incidents of Black soldiers being harassed or assaulted occurred at Fort Benning, Georgia; Fort Jackson, South Carolina; Alexandria, Louisiana; Fayetteville, Arkansas; and Tampa, Florida. Black leaders such as James Farmer and Walter White, the executive secretary of the NAACP since 1931, were asked by General Eisenhower to investigate complaints of the mistreatment of Black servicemen while on active duty. They prepared a fourteen-point memorandum on how to improve conditions for Black Americans in the service, sowing some of the seeds of the postwar civil rights movement during the war years.
The Zoot Suit Riots
Mexican Americans also encountered racial prejudice. The Mexican American population in Southern California grew during World War II due to the increased use of Mexican agricultural workers in the fields to replace the White workers who had left for better paying jobs in the defense industries. The United States and Mexican governments instituted the Bracero Program on August 4, 1942, which sought to address the needs of California growers for manual labor to increase food production during wartime. The result was the immigration of thousands of impoverished Mexicans into the United States to work as braceros, or manual laborers.

Figure 4. A zoot suiter is arrested by the Los Angeles Police, on June 7, 1943, during the summer of the “zoot suit riots.”
Racial Violence Against Mexican Americans
Forced by racial discrimination to live in the barrios of East Los Angeles, many Mexican American youths sought to create their own identity and began to adopt a distinctive style of dress known as zoot suits, which were also popular among many young Black men. The zoot suits, which required large amounts of cloth to produce, violated wartime regulations that restricted the amount of cloth that could be used in civilian garments. Among the charges leveled at young Mexican Americans was that they were un-American and unpatriotic; wearing zoot suits was seen as evidence of this. Many native-born Americans also denounced Mexican American men for being unwilling to serve in the military, even though some 350,000 Mexican Americans either volunteered to serve or were drafted into the armed services. In the summer of 1943, “zoot-suit riots” occurred in Los Angeles when carloads of White sailors, encouraged by other White civilians, stripped and beat a group of young men wearing the distinctive form of dress. In retaliation, young Mexican American men attacked and beat up sailors. The response was swift and severe, as sailors and civilians went on a spree attacking young Mexican Americans on the streets, in bars, and in movie theaters. More than one hundred people were injured.
Japanese-American Internment
Japanese Americans also suffered from discrimination. The Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor unleashed a cascade of racist assumptions about Japanese immigrants and Japanese Americans in the United States that culminated in the relocation and internment of 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry, 66 percent of whom had been born in the United States. Executive Order 9066, signed by Roosevelt on February 19, 1942, gave the army power to remove people from “military areas” to prevent sabotage or espionage. The army then used this authority to relocate people of Japanese ancestry living along the Pacific coast of Washington, Oregon, and California, as well as in parts of Arizona, to internment camps in the American interior. Although a study commissioned earlier by Roosevelt indicated that there was little danger of disloyalty on the part of West Coast Japanese, fears of sabotage, perhaps spurred by the attempted rescue of a Japanese airman shot down at Pearl Harbor by Japanese living in Hawaii, as well as more generalized racist sentiments, led Roosevelt to act. Ironically, the Japanese in Hawaii were not interned. Although characterized afterward as America’s worst wartime mistake by Eugene V. Rostow in the September 1945 edition of Harper’s Magazine, the government’s actions were in keeping with decades of anti-Asian hostility on the West Coast.

Figure 5. Japanese Americans standing in line in front of a poster detailing internment orders in California.
After the order went into effect, Lt. General John L. DeWitt, in charge of the Western Defense Command, ordered approximately 127,000 Japanese and Japanese Americans—roughly 90 percent of those of Japanese ethnicity living in the United States—to assembly centers where they were transferred to hastily prepared camps in the interior of California, Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Wyoming, and Arkansas. Those who were sent to the camps reported that the experience was deeply traumatic. Families were sometimes separated. People could only bring a few of their belongings and had to abandon the rest of their possessions. The camps themselves were dismal and overcrowded. Despite the hardships, those in the camps attempted to build communities in the camps and resume “normal” life. Adults participated in camp government and worked at a variety of jobs. Children attended school, played basketball against local teams, and organized Boy Scout units. Nevertheless, they were imprisoned, and minor infractions, such as wandering too near the camp gate or barbed wire fences while on an evening stroll, could meet with severe consequences. Some sixteen thousand Germans, including some from Latin America, and German Americans were also placed in internment camps, as were 2,373 persons of Italian ancestry. However, they represented only a tiny percentage of the members of these ethnic groups living in the country. Most of these people were innocent of any wrongdoing, but some imprisoned Germans were members of the Nazi party. No interned Japanese Americans were found guilty of sabotage or espionage.
In its 1982 report, Personal Justice Denied, the congressionally appointed Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians concluded that “the broad historical causes” shaping the relocation program were “race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership.”[1] Although the exclusion orders were found to have been constitutionally permissible under the vagaries of national security, they were later judged, even by the military and judicial leaders of the time, to have been a grave injustice against people of Japanese descent.
Japanese Americans and Enlistment
Despite being singled out for special treatment, many Japanese Americans sought to enlist, but draft boards commonly classified them as 4-C: undesirable aliens. However, as the war ground on, some were reclassified as eligible for service. In total, nearly thirty-three thousand Japanese Americans served in the military during the war. Of particular note was the 442nd Regimental Combat Team, nicknamed the “Go For Broke,” which finished the war as the most decorated unit in U.S. military history given its size and length of service. While their successes, and the successes of Black pilots, were lauded, the country and the military still struggled to contend with its own racial tensions, even as the soldiers in Europe faced the brutality of Nazi Germany.
Watch It
Watch this video to learn more about the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII.
You can view the transcript for “Ugly History: Japanese American incarceration camps – Densho” here (opens in new window).
This U.S. government propaganda film attempts to explain why the Japanese were interned.
Try It
Bracero Program: the policy of increased wartime use of immigrant agricultural labor to expand food production
Double V Campaign: a campaign by African Americans to win victory over the enemy overseas and victory over racism at home, first proposed in 1942 by the Pittsburgh Courier newspaper
Executive Order 8802: this Executive order created the Fair Employment Practices Committee which aimed to verify that there was no discrimination in the defense industries.
Executive Order 9066: the order given by President Roosevelt to relocate and detain people of Japanese ancestry, including those who were American citizens
internment: the forced eviction and confinement of the West Coast Japanese and Japanese American population into ten relocation centers for the greater part of World War II
zoot suit: a flamboyant outfit favored by young African American and Mexican American men
Candela Citations
- Modification, adaptation, and original content. Authored by: Scott Barr for Lumen Learning. Provided by: Lumen Learning. License: CC BY: Attribution
- US History. Provided by: OpenStax. Located at: http://openstaxcollege.org/textbooks/us-history. License: CC BY: Attribution. License Terms: Access for free at https://openstax.org/books/us-history/pages/1-introduction
- World War II. Provided by: The American Yawp. Located at: http://www.americanyawp.com/text/24-world-war-ii/. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- Ugly History: Japanese American incarceration camps - Densho. Authored by: Lesson by Densho, directed by Lizete Upu012bte.. Provided by: TED-Ed. Located at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hI4NoVWq87M. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License
- Zoot suiter arrested by LAPD. Authored by: John T. Burns . Provided by: Associated Press . Located at: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:A_man_in_a_zoot_suit_is_inspected_upon_arrest_by_LAPD_on_June_7,_1943.jpg. License: Public Domain: No Known Copyright
- Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians, Personal Justice Denied: Report of the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians (Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1982), 18). ↵