Historical Hack: Civil Discourse

What you’ll learn to do: practice civil discourse and creating Rogerian arguments while reflecting on the role of the U.S. in international affairs

Have you ever gotten in a heated discussion with someone who disagrees with you? Maybe with a relative, coworker, or friend? You can likely remember times when the argument ended poorly—with someone getting offended or leaving feeling hurt, or other times when you remained civil, but just agreed to disagree. While one may not be able or willing to address every argument with civility, this hack attempts to teach skills for remaining civil in political discussions.

Learning to actively engage with others and debate controversial topics without losing your cool is an important life skill and one that’s especially valuable when discussing issues like those we learned about in this module—immigration, terrorism, and the role of government. In this historical hack, we’ll learn some tips for remaining civil while analyzing the role of the U.S. in world affairs.