Module 11 Assignment: Gender Roles in the 1950s

The post World War II economic boom created a large middle class in the United States. Men returned to the workforce in large numbers and women returned to the home. For many women this was a welcome return to normalcy, however a feminist movement was growing and many women grew tired of the gender roles of the 1950s and 1960s.

Step 1: Read the essay I Want a Wife by Judy Brady. As you read, be sure to take notice of the specific observations Brady makes about gender roles during this era in U.S. history.

For example, she says that “I want a wife to go along when our family takes a vacation so that someone can continue to care for me and my children when I need a rest and change of scene.” Her observation could be “Women are expected to take care of their husband and children on vacation rather than also relaxing on vacation.”

Step 2: Select 3 observations Brady brings up in her essay and evaluate how this particular observation about gender roles has stayed the same or changed over time. You are welcome to use personal experiences as evidence, but be sure to do research to support your own perceptions. Make a copy of this Google Slides document and follow the specific directions inside of it. Make sure to connect the observation to your evidence.

Assignment Grading Rubric

Criteria Developing Satisfactory Excellent Points
Claim I cannot produce a claim. I can produce a claim statement that attempts to establish an argument, but the claim may be flawed because it:

  • Does not include source and/or author
  • Uses some words from the question
  • Makes an unclear claim
I can produce a claim statement that establishes an argument that defends a position OR qualifies a position.

  • References source and author correctly
  • Uses key words from the question
  • Makes a strong claim.
Evidence I cannot support a claim with evidence. I can attempt to support a claim with evidence.

  • Evidence provided does not support the claim
I can justify a claim with relevant evidence.

  • Cites supporting evidence
  • Uses quotation marks
  • Attempts to introduce the quote
Total __/20