Outcome: Warranties

What you’ll learn to do: define a warranty and differentiate between express warranties and implied warranties

As products become increasingly sophisticated and potentially dangerous in the twentieth century, and as the separation between production and consumption widens, products’ liability and warranties have became a very important issue for both consumers and manufacturers. Millions of people every year are adversely affected by defective products, and manufacturers and sellers pay huge amounts for products-liability insurance and damages. The law has responded with causes of action that provide a means for recovery for products-liability damages. In this outcome you will learn about the different types of warranties that are attached to the goods and services that businesses provide.


The learning activities for this section include:

  • Reading: Warranties
  • Reading: Product Liability and Agency Law
  • Video: Legal Rights Under Implied Warranties
  • Self Check: Warranties

Take time to review and reflect on each of these activities in order to improve your performance on the assessment for this section.