Week 1 Overview

What You’ll Learn To Do: Explain Why You’re in College & Assess Your Strengths and Weaknesses


Welcome to SDV 100—College Success Skills!  This course is designed to assist you in making a successful transition to college. If you work consistently throughout the course, you will gather academic tools for success, learn skills of self-management and self-responsibility, learn how to make responsible choices about your academic, personal, and career goals, gain information about NOVA and community resources, and negotiate the processes of moving effectively through the educational system.

After you have completed this topic’s activities, you should be able to:

  • Articulate why you are going to college.
  • Assess your strengths and opportunities for growth in online learning.


Learning Activities

In order to successfully complete this module’s work, you will need to do the following.

Finger hovering over digital icons on a screenTasks

  • Watch: Maximizing Your College Experience
  • Submit: Introductions Blog (10 points)
  • Submit: SmarterMeasure Assessment (10 points)


For grading, refer to the “Grading, Withdrawal, and Incomplete” section in the Syllabus.