More Limit Evaluation Techniques

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate the limit of a function by factoring
  • Use the limit laws to evaluate the limit of a polynomial or rational function
  • Evaluate the limit of a function by factoring or by using conjugates

As we have seen, we may evaluate easily the limits of polynomials and limits of some (but not all) rational functions by direct substitution. However, as we saw in the introductory section on limits, it is certainly possible for limxaf(x) to exist when f(a) is undefined. The following observation allows us to evaluate many limits of this type:

If for all xa,f(x)=g(x) over some open interval containing a, then limxaf(x)=limxag(x).

To understand this idea better, consider the limit limx1x21x1.

The function



and the function g(x)=x+1 are identical for all values of x1. The graphs of these two functions are shown in Figure 1.

Two graphs side by side. The first is a graph of g(x) = x + 1, a linear function with y intercept at (0,1) and x intercept at (-1,0). The second is a graph of f(x) = (x^2 – 1) / (x – 1). This graph is identical to the first for all x not equal to 1, as there is an open circle at (1,2) in the second graph.

Figure 1. The graphs of f(x) and g(x) are identical for all x1. Their limits at 1 are equal.

We see that



The limit has the form limxaf(x)g(x), where limxaf(x)=0 and limxag(x)=0. (In this case, we say that f(x)g(x) has the indeterminate form 00.) The following Problem-Solving Strategy provides a general outline for evaluating limits of this type.

Problem-Solving Strategy: Calculating a Limit When f(x)/g(x) has the Indeterminate Form 0/0

  1. First, we need to make sure that our function has the appropriate form and cannot be evaluated immediately using the limit laws.
  2. We then need to find a function that is equal to h(x)=f(x)/g(x) for all xa over some interval containing a. To do this, we may need to try one or more of the following steps:
    1. If f(x) and g(x) are polynomials, we should factor each function and cancel out any common factors.
    2. If the numerator or denominator contains a difference involving a square root, we should try multiplying the numerator and denominator by the conjugate of the expression involving the square root.
    3. If f(x)/g(x) is a complex fraction, we begin by simplifying it.
  3. Last, we apply the limit laws.

The next examples demonstrate the use of this Problem-Solving Strategy. It may be helpful to revisit the following algebraic techniques.

Recall: Factoring polynomials

Key Equations

difference of squares a2b2=(a+b)(ab)
perfect square trinomial a2+2ab+b2=(a+b)2
sum of cubes a3+b3=(a+b)(a2ab+b2)
difference of cubes a3b3=(ab)(a2+ab+b2)

Key Concepts

  • The greatest common factor, or GCF, can be factored out of a polynomial. Checking for a GCF should be the first step in any factoring problem.
  • Trinomials with leading coefficient 1 can be factored by finding numbers that have a product of the third term and a sum of the second term.
  • Trinomials can be factored using a process called factoring by grouping.
  • Perfect square trinomials and the difference of squares are special products and can be factored using equations.
  • The sum of cubes and the difference of cubes can be factored using equations.
  • Polynomials containing fractional and negative exponents can be factored by pulling out a GCF.
factor by grouping
a method for factoring a trinomial of the form ax2+bx+c by dividing the x term into the sum of two terms, factoring each portion of the expression separately, and then factoring out the GCF of the entire expression
greatest common factor
the largest polynomial that divides evenly into each polynomial

Recall: The conjugate of a sum or difference of a rational and irrational term

The conjugate of the sum or difference of a rational and an irrational term can be found by changing the sign of the radical portion of the denominator. If the denominator is a+bc, then the conjugate is abc.

The example below illustrates the factor-and-cancel technique; the next shows multiplying by a conjugate. In the one after that, we look at simplifying a complex fraction.

Example: Evaluating a Limit by Factoring and Canceling

Evaluate limx3x23x2x25x3

Try It

Evaluate limx3x2+4x+3x29

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It as well as another worked example of evaluating a limit by factoring and canceling.

Try It

Try It

Example: Evaluating a Limit by Multiplying by a Conjugate

Evaluate limx1x+21x+1

Try It

Evaluate limx5x12x5

The next few examples involve complex fractions that will require combining rational expressions to simplify complex fractions.

Recall: Given two rational expressions, add or subtract them

  1. Factor the numerator and denominator.
  2. Find the LCD of the expressions.
  3. Multiply the expressions by a form of 1 that changes the denominators to the LCD.
  4. Add or subtract the numerators.
  5. Simplify.



First, we have to find the LCD. In this case, the LCD will be xy. We then multiply each expression by the appropriate form of 1 to obtain xy as the denominator for each fraction.


Now that the expressions have the same denominator, we simply add the numerators to find the sum.


Recall: Given a complex rational expression, simplify it

  1. Combine the expressions in the numerator into a single rational expression by adding or subtracting.
  2. Combine the expressions in the denominator into a single rational expression by adding or subtracting.
  3. Rewrite as the numerator divided by the denominator.
  4. Rewrite as multiplication.
  5. Multiply.
  6. Simplify.
    Example: y+1xxy .Begin by combining the expressions in the numerator into one expression.

    yxx+1xMultiply by xxto get LCD as denominator.xyx+1xxy+1xAdd numerators.

    Now the numerator is a single rational expression and the denominator is a single rational expression.


    We can rewrite this as division and then multiplication.

    xy+1x÷xyxy+1xyxRewrite as multiplication.y(xy+1)x2Multiply.

Example: Evaluating a Limit by Simplifying a Complex Fraction

Evaluate limx11x+112x1

Try It

Evaluate limx31x+2+1x+3

Watch the following video to see the worked solution to the above Try It.

The example below does not fall neatly into any of the patterns established in the previous examples. However, with a little creativity, we can still use these same techniques.

Example: Evaluating a Limit When the Limit Laws Do Not Apply

Evaluate limx0(1x+5x(x5))

Try It

Evaluate limx3(1x34x22x3)

Simple modifications in the limit laws allow us to apply them to one-sided limits. For example, to apply the limit laws to a limit of the form limxah(x), we require the function h(x) to be defined over an open interval of the form (b,a); for a limit of the form limxa+h(x), we require the function h(x) to be defined over an open interval of the form (a,c). The example illustrates this point.

Example: Evaluating a One-Sided Limit Using the Limit Laws

Evaluate each of the following limits, if possible.

  1. limx3x3
  2. limx3+x3

In the example below, we look at one-sided limits of a piecewise-defined function and use these limits to draw a conclusion about a two-sided limit of the same function.

Example: Evaluating a Two-Sided Limit Using the Limit Laws

For f(x)={4x3 if x<2(x3)2 if x2 evaluate each of the following limits:

  1. limx2f(x)
  2. limx2+f(x)
  3. limx2f(x)

Try It

Graph f(x)={x2 if x<12 if x=1x3 if x>1 and evaluate limx1f(x)

We now turn our attention to evaluating a limit of the form limxaf(x)g(x), where limxaf(x)=K, where K0 and limxag(x)=0. That is f(x)/g(x) has the form K/0K0 at a.

Example: Evaluating a Limit of the Form K/0,K0 Using the Limit Laws

Evaluate limx2x3x22x

Try It

Evaluate limx1x+2(x1)2