Summary of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Essential Concepts

  • The exponential function y=bx is increasing if b>1 and decreasing if [latex]0
  • The logarithmic function y=logb(x) is the inverse of y=bx. Its domain is (0,) and its range is (,).
  • The natural exponential function is y=ex and the natural logarithmic function is y=lnx=logex.
  • Given an exponential function or logarithmic function in base a, we can make a change of base to convert this function to any base b>0,b1. We typically convert to base e.
  • The hyperbolic functions involve combinations of the exponential functions ex and ex. As a result, the inverse hyperbolic functions involve the natural logarithm.


the number b in the exponential function f(x)=bx and the logarithmic function f(x)=logbx
the value x in the expression bx
hyperbolic functions
the functions denoted sinh,cosh,tanh,csch,sech, and coth, which involve certain combinations of ex and ex
inverse hyperbolic functions
the inverses of the hyperbolic functions where cosh and sech are restricted to the domain [0,); each of these functions can be expressed in terms of a composition of the natural logarithm function and an algebraic function
natural exponential function
the function f(x)=ex
natural logarithm
the function lnx=logex
number e
as m gets larger, the quantity (1+(1/m))m gets closer to some real number; we define that real number to be e; the value of e is approximately 2.718282