Reference Angles
An angle’s reference angle is the measure of the smallest, positive, acute angle t formed by the terminal side of the angle t and the horizontal axis. Thus positive reference angles have terminal sides that lie in the first quadrant and can be used as models for angles in other quadrants. See Figure 1 for examples of reference angles for angles in different quadrants.
Figure 1
An angle’s reference angle is the size of the smallest acute angle, t′, formed by the terminal side of the angle t and the horizontal axis.
How To: Given an angle between 0 and 2π, find its reference angle.
- An angle in the first quadrant is its own reference angle.
- For an angle in the second or third quadrant, the reference angle is |π−t| or |180∘−t|.
- For an angle in the fourth quadrant, the reference angle is 2π−t or 360∘−t.
- If an angle is less than 0 or greater than 2π, add or subtract 2π as many times as needed to find an equivalent angle between 0 and 2π.
Example 1: Finding a Reference Angle
Find the reference angle of 225∘ as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2
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Because 225∘ is in the third quadrant, the reference angle is
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Find the reference angle of 5π3.
Using Reference Angles
Reference angles make it possible to evaluate trigonometric functions for angles outside the first quadrant. They can also be used to find (x,y) coordinates for those angles. We will use the reference angle of the angle of rotation combined with the quadrant in which the terminal side of the angle lies. We can find the exact trig value of any angle in any quadrant if we apply the trig function to the reference angle. The sign depends on the quadrant of the original angle.
The trigonometric function values for the original angle will be the same as those for the reference angle, except for the positive or negative sign, which is determined by x– and y-values in the original quadrant. Figure 3 shows which functions are positive in which quadrant.
To help us remember which of the six trigonometric functions are positive in each quadrant, we can use the mnemonic phrase “All Students Take Calculus” Each of the four words in the phrase corresponds to one of the four quadrants, starting with quadrant I and rotating counterclockwise. In quadrant I, which is “A,” all of the six trigonometric functions are positive. In quadrant II, “Students,” only sine and its reciprocal function, cosecant, are positive. In quadrant III, “Take,” only tangent and its reciprocal function, cotangent, are positive. Finally, in quadrant IV, “Calculus” only cosine and its reciprocal function, secant, are positive.
Figure 3
How To: Find the trigonometric value for any angle
- Measure the angle between the terminal side of the given angle and the horizontal axis. This is the reference angle.
- Apply the trig function to the reference angle.
- Apply the appropriate sign using the table above.
Example 2: Using Reference Angles to Find Sine and Cosine
- Using a reference angle, find the exact value of cos(150∘) and sin(150∘).
- Using the reference angle, find cos5π4 and sin5π4.
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- 150° is located in the second quadrant. The angle it makes with the x-axis is 180° − 150° = 30°, so the reference angle is 30°. This tells us that 150° has the same sine and cosine values as 30°, except for the sign. We know that
cos(30∘)=√32 and sin(30∘)=12.
Since 150° is in the second quadrant, the x-coordinate of the point on the circle is negative, so the cosine value is negative. The y-coordinate is positive, so the sine value is positive.
cos(150∘)=−√32 and sin(150∘)=12
- 5π4 is in the third quadrant. Its reference angle is 5π4−π=π4. The cosine and sine of π4 are both √22. In the third quadrant, both x and y are negative, so:
cos5π4=−√22 and sin5π4=−√22
Example 3: Using Reference Angles to Find Tangent and Cotangent
- Using a reference angle, find the exact value of tan(240∘)
- Using the reference angle, find cot7π4
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- 240° is located in the third quadrant. The angle it makes with the x-axis is 240° − 180° = 60°, so the reference angle is 60°. This tells us that 240° has the same tangent values as 60°, except for the sign. We know that
Since 240° is in the second quadrant, the x-coordinate of the point on the circle is positive, so the tangent value is positive.
- 7π4 is in the fourth quadrant. Its reference angle is 2π−7π4=π4. The cotangent of π4 is 2√2=√2. In the fourth quadrant, cotangent is negative, so
Example 4: Using Reference Angles to Find Secant and Cosecant
- Using a reference angle, find the exact value of sec(210∘) and csc(210∘).
- Using the reference angle, find sec3π4 and csc3π4.
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- 150° is located in the second quadrant. The angle it makes with the x-axis is 210° − 180° = 30°, so the reference angle is 30°. This tells us that 210° has the same sine and cosine values as 30°, except for the sign. We know that
sec(30∘)=2√3=2√33 and csc(30∘)=2.
Since 210° is in the second quadrant, the x-coordinate of the point on the circle is negative, so the sec value is negative. The y-coordinate is negative, so the sine value is also negative.
sec(210∘)=−2√33 and csc(210∘)=−2
- 3π4 is in the second quadrant. Its reference angle is π−3π4=π4. The secant and cosecant of π4 are both 2√2=√2. In the second quadrant, x is negative and y is positive, so:
sec3π4=−√2 and csc3π4=√2
Try It
a. Use the reference angle of 315∘ to find cos(315∘) and tan(315∘).
b. Use the reference angle of 2π3 to find sec(2π3) and cot(2π3).
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a. cos(315∘)=√22,tan(315∘)=−1
b. cos(2π3)=−12,cot(2π3)=−√33
Example 5: Using Reference Angles to Find Trigonometric Functions
Use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions of −5π6.
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In order to find a reference angle for a negative angle, add 2π until the angle becomes positive: −5π6+2π=7π6. This angle is in the third quadrant, so the reference angle is: 7π6−π=π6. Since 7π6 is in the third quadrant, where both x and y are negative, sine, cosecant, cosine, and secant will be negative, while tangent and cotangent will be positive.
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Use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions of −7π4.
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Example 6: Using Reference Angles to Find Trigonometric Functions
Use reference angles to find all six trigonometric functions of −585∘.
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We need to add 360∘ until the angle becomes positive. In this case, we needed to add it twice: −585∘+360∘+360∘=135∘. This angle is in the second quadrant, so the reference angle is: 180∘−135=45∘. Since 45∘ is in the second quadrant, where x is negative and y is positive, cosine, secant, tangent, and cotangent will be negative, while sine and cosecant will be positive.
Example 7: Using the Unit Circle to Find Coordinates
Find the coordinates of the point on the unit circle at an angle of 7π6.
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We know that the angle 7π6 is in the third quadrant.
First, let’s find the reference angle by measuring the angle to the x-axis. To find the reference angle of an angle whose terminal side is in quadrant III, we find the difference of the angle and π.
Next, we find the cosine and sine of the reference angle:
We must determine the appropriate signs for x and y in the given quadrant. Because our original angle is in the third quadrant, where both x and y are negative, both cosine and sine are negative.
Now we can calculate the (x,y) coordinates using the identities x=cosθ and y=sinθ.
The coordinates of the point are (−√32,−12) on the unit circle.
Try It
Find the coordinates of the point on the unit circle at an angle of 5π3.
Example 8: Finding the Exact Value Involving Tangent
Given that tanθ=−34 and θ is in quadrant II, find the following:
- sin(θ)
- csc(θ)
- cos(θ)
- sec(θ)
- cot(θ)
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If we draw a triangle to reflect the information given, we can find the values needed to solve the problems on the image. We are given tanθ=−34, such that θ is in quadrant II. The tangent of an angle is equal to the opposite side over the adjacent side, and because θ is in the second quadrant, the adjacent side is on the x-axis and is negative. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the length of the hypotenuse:
Now we can draw a triangle similar to the one shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4
Now that we know all the sides of the triangle, we can use right triangle trigonometry definitions to find the answers:
Try It
Given that tanθ=512 and θ is in quadrant III, find the following:
- sin(θ)
- csc(θ)
- cos(θ)
- sec(θ)
- cot(θ)
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Key Equations
Cosine |
cost=x |
Sine |
sint=y |
Pythagorean Identity |
cos2t+sin2t=1 |
Key Concepts
- The sine and cosine of an angle have the same absolute value as the sine and cosine of its reference angle.
- The signs of the sine and cosine are determined from the x– and y-values in the quadrant of the original angle.
- An angle’s reference angle is the size angle, t, formed by the terminal side of the angle t and the horizontal axis.
- Reference angles can be used to find the sine and cosine of the original angle.
- Reference angles can also be used to find the coordinates of a point on a circle.
Section 4.4 Homework Exercises
1. Discuss the difference between a coterminal angle and a reference angle.
2. Explain how the cosine of an angle in the second quadrant differs from the cosine of its reference angle in the unit circle.
3. Explain how the sine of an angle in the second quadrant differs from the sine of its reference angle in the unit circle.
4. What is the purpose of a reference angle?
For the following exercises, state the reference angle for the given angle.
5. 240∘
6. −170∘
7. 460∘
8. −675∘
9. 135∘
10. 5π4
11. 2π3
12. 17π6
13. −17π3
14. −7π4
15. −π8
For the following exercises, find the reference angle, the quadrant of the terminal side, and the sine, cosine of each angle.
16. 225∘
17. 300∘
18. 315∘
19. 135∘
20. 570∘
21. 480∘
22. −120∘
23. −210∘
24. 5π4
25. 7π6
26. 5π3
27. 3π4
28. 4π3
29. 2π3
30. −19π6
31. −9π4
For the following exercises, find the reference angle, the quadrant of the terminal side, and the exact value of the trigonometric function.
32. tan5π6
33. sec7π6
34. csc11π6
35. cot13π6
36. tan15π4
37. sec3π4
38. csc5π4
39. cot11π4
40. tan(−4π3)
41. sec(−2π3)
42. csc(−10π3)
43. cot(−7π3)
44. tan225∘
45. sec300∘
46. csc510∘
47. cot600∘
48. tan(−30∘)
49. sec(−210∘)
50. csc(−510∘)
51. cot(−405∘)
In the following exercises, use a right triangle to find the exact value.
52. If sint=34, and t is in quadrant II, find cost,sect,csct,tant,cott.
53. If cost=−13, and t is in quadrant III, find sint,sect,csct,tant,cott.
54. If tant=125, and 0≤t<π2, find sint,cost,sect,csct, and cott.
55. If sint=√32 and cost=12, find sect,csct,tant, and cott.
For the following exercises, find the exact value using reference angles.
56. sin(11π3)cos(−5π6)
57. sin(3π4)cos(5π3)
58. sin(−4π3)cos(π2)
59. sin(−9π4)cos(−π6)
60. sin(π6)cos(−π3)
61. sin(7π4)cos(−2π3)
62. cos(5π6)cos(2π3)
63. cos(−π3)cos(π4)
64. sin(−5π4)sin(11π6)
65. sin(π)sin(π6)