Putting it Together: Non-Linear Functions

In this module we have explored different functions that are non-linear, and have seen that non-linear functions have many applications.

In the book, How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking, written by Jordan Ellenberg, (a New York Times Best Selling book that connects various economic and societal philosophies with basic mathematics and statistical principles), Ellenberg encourages the notion of “non-linear” thinking and points out how important it is in the real world. He says, “A line is one kind of curve, but is not the only kind, and lines enjoy all kinds of special properties that curves in general may not.” He goes on to say “Usually, when someone announces they’re a “non-linear thinker” they’re about to apologize for losing something you lent them. But non-linearity is a real thing! And in [many] context[s], thinking non-linearly is crucial, because not all curves are lines.”

We mustn’t get in the habit of only thinking in terms of straight lines. As we have seen in this module, there are many other functions out there besides linear functions, and many curves in economics and beyond are nonlinear.